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Showing posts from 2012

Walking to Power

With the whole world moving to find alternate energy solutions with highly increasing operating cost and availability of energy from known sources, we are really looking for a darker world in coming decades. There are in-numerous mode that we can think of. From our school days we keep hearing about solar energy, wind energy, hydro projects, this energy and that very projects. We even witnessed that states could go on war over water. The days are not far when people would kill each other demanding more air and use  man made technologies to get wind flowing their way. Maybe this state-wide bandh in Karnataka made me think more about water, power and people as there is nothing much you can enjoy on a bandh day here in Bangalore. I have noticed that some of the states in India needs water from other states whereas the other states cannot afford to share as they believe they themselves don't have enough. As we all know water is a source of power in some places and it is no different

Indian Technology

Would like to start with a real life incident...Once a child was born for a govt servant who seeked the advice of great astrologers to write his horoscope. It was interesting for them to read that her baby would do great things some abroad(the common Indian success feeling) and also earn lots of money...but the only thing that haunted them was the statement which always brushed their minds...the haunting sentence was that "baby would work for non-govt organization"...this was written about 30yrs ago and during those days in India, working for a private company was not something people would like to dream of...everyone wanted to be a govt. and prestigious job...and what this guy will earn in a private sector...something that worried that parents all those early stages of their child's life... Gone are those days now when people craved to be a govt servant, from last few decades something that has rocked the world apart from tsunami and other

Where is the "care" in Customer Care?

In today's world when we all tend to forget the good and keep ranting about the bad. It is no surprise that I feel like sharing my experiences with few companies operating in India. Now this is not a customer service review or the final judgement of anything, it is just my review based on my experiences with them. This experience might be a rare one too considering the brand value these companies have built over the years. Even though this blog demands an extract my my older blog on the largest hiring company in India named Indian Railways.  Please enjoy reading the service that Indian Railway parcel team provides to the whole India and behavior of their respectable officers. The main issue that I find with the customer service operations India based is the lack of knowledge of the executives. I suppose the executive is rushed to his job without any sort of product training and companies expect him to pick up things on his job. This attitude is something that is killing

Go Global!

The talk of the town is all about Indian economy. Once estimated as next big socio-economic power is in a phase where people are losing the trust in the governance and leadership. Wherever we could lay our consciousness we keep reading about how a common man can help Indian economy that too in n number of ways. No guys, this is not another blog to advocate a common man's power to boost Indian economy. Guess we have enough on them already in the electronic world (e-world/Internet). I would like to discuss few points to consider while implementing the much advocated methods. I may not be able to discuss all the methods due to my lack of knowledge in the subject. Let's scrutinize the cause to buy only Indian products by Indians. This is for argument sake only and I don't intend question anyone's patriotic thought. The idea of using Indian products only would have been a brainchild of some great thinker or a marketing strategy of a forward thinking company or notion o

India Inc. - Investors required?

Every time when it comes to March, most people start thinking about their tax saving investments and decides to make some quick investments just to save some bucks. Even though due to this final minute rush we tend to lose hard earned money easily by opting for wrong investments. But the very human nature within us which once made us open textbooks on exam eve without even know which chapters to look for, makes us do this quick investments. Some guys can be really good at these final minute investments and they earn great benefits from it. But this trade is not for common man. We need to plan tax in advance and do everything we could to save those bucks. In this blog, I am not going to discuss on how to plan for tax savings, because this could be the billionth blog to write that. So let's think about a plan of investing on India Inc. Now how is it possible to invest in India Inc. as a whole? We don't have any such physical entity called India Inc which could be found an

Power of tomorrow!

Disclaimer would say something like "I am not representing any political party or views" but sharing a blog from my heart. As my title says, I felt like writing it and now I am hear blogging it out. In recent past, newspapers in India are flooded with scams & issues of corruption. Maybe it was the case before also but never dared to get necessary media attention. Now things are changing, with more private media and international media floating around and also because of the competition, most secret news are brought out. We often think about all these news being true and at the same time also doubt its political motives. Many a times some political party A or B gets benefits from them politically or makes it a political issue with a pseudo representation of the people. We have also noticed that no news stays for more than 2 weeks time in television or newspapers or rather loses its importance and would be replaced with a better or more spicy one. Now is this human behavior

Happiness @ work - Part 3

6. Community Contribution This explains the contributions made towards the welfare and growth of the society. It is very important to contribute your time for the benefit of the society. Financial contributions are only required if you can afford it and continue to operate your needs after sparing some for others. This key indicator helps us to understand how much time the individual is getting to engage him in such positive activities. When combined with other key indicator scores like psychological well being etc shows whether an individual is erratic in answering the questions. 7. Living Standard Advancement The living standard key indicator talks about the rise or fall in living standards considering the society a person lives his/her life. This could be indication of whether a person(s) are able to enrich their life with necessary & desirable entities, be it materialistic or non-materialistic. This also helps in understanding whether the current remunerations are able to sati

Happiness @ work - Part 2

How to? I have selected different key indicators based on study from various great psychologists around the world along with the ones I considered apt based on my experience and analysis. I am very thankful to them for giving me a chance to know about their research on human life and behavior. The following are the sample key indicators I have identified to measure the happiness in corporate structures: 1. Time Utilization at Job 2. Medical/Hospitalization Record 3. Work Environment Contentment 4. Personal Space Availability 5. Psychological Well Being 6. Community Contribution 7. Living Standard Advancement 8. Goal Setting & Accomplishment 9. Financial Stability Triumph These identified key indicators would contain different questions with a score attached to each question. Each question will contain different weight-age based on a scale of 1-3. The total score will be calculated using the answers for all questions under different key indicators. There would be a threshold identif

Happiness @ work - Part 1

Introduction: As Paul Hawken had put it into perspective recently, “You can print money to bail out a bank, but you can’t print life to bail out a planet, At present, we are stealing the future, selling it in the present, and calling it GDP. We can just as easily have an economy that is based on healing the future instead of stealing it. Whenever we exploit the earth, we exploit people and cause untold suffering. Working for the earth is not a way to get rich, it is a way to be rich” GDP had always been a boasting factor representing the growth for great nations. The whole world is counting on what is spent by their people or what is earned by people during a given fiscal period. The data accounts to the computation of the greatness of a nation which is basically where it stands in the economic winners stand. We as humans are not realizing anymore, the simple fact that subjects that were of utmost priority for our ancestors become our priority too unknowingly. And how often h

2012: Doomsday?

The whole world had been talking about doomsday during this New Year when quite a lot of people are seen celebrating New Year so much as if this is the last New Year they’ve got. Is this really going to end this time? I am not a great believer of any calendar be it Mayan or Indian. But there are quite a few things that I would like to bring it across. Let’s leave alone the fact or myth that world will end this year but can we try to evaluate the facts that we have & the observations of great men before us? Let’s start with what is a Yuga . A yuga is an era within the cycle of four ages. The four ages being Satya Yuga, Treta Yuga, Dvapara Yuga & Kali Yuga. All this is caused and controlled by the stars revolving and rushing above our heads. The end described in some of the spiritual Hindu texts share that it will start raining continuously until everything is flooded and drowned. By this time the people’s mind would have been corrupted beyond repair. The seeds would have given u