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Where is the "care" in Customer Care?

In today's world when we all tend to forget the good and keep ranting about the bad. It is no surprise that I feel like sharing my experiences with few companies operating in India. Now this is not a customer service review or the final judgement of anything, it is just my review based on my experiences with them. This experience might be a rare one too considering the brand value these companies have built over the years.

Even though this blog demands an extract my my older blog on the largest hiring company in India named Indian Railways. Please enjoy reading the service that Indian Railway parcel team provides to the whole India and behavior of their respectable officers.

The main issue that I find with the customer service operations India based is the lack of knowledge of the executives. I suppose the executive is rushed to his job without any sort of product training and companies expect him to pick up things on his job. This attitude is something that is killing the experience and affecting the customers badly. 

Most of the time the customer service executives of Indian companies like Axis Bank, Max New York Life, Bharti Airtel, Tata Indicom, DTDC & some others that I have dealt with, doesn't actually the know the value of customers and the significance of their jobs. Some are at their job just to get a living and some others just to pass time. With all respect for the hard working lot in there, a few such guys doesn't help anyone. It really needs to be a team effort. 

If you are to call any customer service, not pointing to anyone in specific but with most companies I had experienced this, the call gets cut at the crucial moment once you have explained everything to them and badly waiting for a response. How many times we could see it as a coincidence when the call is dropped? And guess what, next time you have to repeat the same story again to somebody else who again might end up cutting the call, passing it to someone who claims to be senior/manager. 

Some guys promise a call back after investigation in 24hrs or whatever and never returns any call. If you happen to check back with the team on the call back, they would start it all over again starting from you painting your sorrowful picture just for them to pour water on top of it finally.

Another interesting thing I have noticed with customer service is they are not given any sort of email access to directly email us or respond to us in email. Is this to save bandwidth? Not sure about that. Anyways this makes their job easier. They could say anything on the call with no proof and unless it is written they can easily back off from what they said or promised. 

Something that would catch your attention is the fact that most or all of the senior executives email that you can find from online or your friends would just bounce back to your inbox. This shows how much importance the whole company gives to your complaint or feedback. How often you have received any sort of response for such emails? 

At every instance when a third party is involved, say another company or bank in between, you can always notice that there is blame game that gets running. Every customer care tries to hang on until the blame game fails or ends miserably to start their actual work. This is called buying time from the customer to idle around and attend to already delayed issues on the desk.

Consumer court had been always a tough thing for common man to digest even though the name is equally famous. You can read more details on how to file a case on the consumer court from the link. 

What are they ways that this could be improved? If you look at the actual fact, these same executives who we blame as non-productive tends to work extremely effeciently and effectively when they operate for countries abroad. Does that sound funny? Yes, it is. That shows it could be the attitude of the Indian companies or the don't care nature towards Indian customers that requires fine tuning. People of India should start responding in a strong manner towards these associates and organizations so that they learn it the hard way that to survive they need happy customers which in turn is beneficial for all.


  1. Experienced the same on several wonder people end up screaming at them and then the sob story of how difficult is the job of a Customer care executive comes out.They should know that it's their job like everyone else have their own job. Wonder what their leads/managers do to improve the scenario even though before every call we get the automated message that says' This call is being recorded for quality purposes'.

  2. Most of the Indian companies still doesn't know the value of customer and they are yet to know the basics of customer care. They just open up call centers and employ freshers. The attitude is worst than what we Indians call the "Govt Office" staff.


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