6. Community Contribution
This explains the contributions made towards the welfare and growth of the society. It is very important to contribute your time for the benefit of the society. Financial contributions are only required if you can afford it and continue to operate your needs after sparing some for others. This key indicator helps us to understand how much time the individual is getting to engage him in such positive activities. When combined with other key indicator scores like psychological well being etc shows whether an individual is erratic in answering the questions.
7. Living Standard Advancement
The living standard key indicator talks about the rise or fall in living standards considering the society a person lives his/her life. This could be indication of whether a person(s) are able to enrich their life with necessary & desirable entities, be it materialistic or non-materialistic. This also helps in understanding whether the current remunerations are able to satisfy human needs in the social settings person(s) are interacting with.
8. Goal Setting & Accomplishment
This helps in understanding whether people are able to set goals and achieve it. Setting goals shows that they are able to think what they need and also why they need it. This shows how much ‘myspace’ I am getting. Without any ‘myspace’ no one would be able to set any goals. Accomplishing these goals are equally important to setting it. Most goals in our lives are not usually achieved due to laziness, financial constraints or other factors. Laziness can be a by-product of timelessness or mental/physical tiredness & financial constraints could be due to poor planning of finances/budgeting or just not enough money being available.
9. Financial Stability Triumph
Financial stability is something that people would never admit that they have. This is one of those factors which are causing attrition which is more mental than anything to do with organizations. But people who compare themselves with the society in a reasonable manner with taking similar beings with similar lifestyle, age, sex & life experiences could be spot-on sometimes. I had added the word triumph to it just to indicate that it really is a triumph if you ever admit you are financially stable. The material desires grow directly proportional to money growth. You might be just okay with a 2 dollar ice-cream but would rather choose to have a 10 dollar one as your money grows. This is just a silly example but hope it does the job.
I had purposefully not elaborated on examples in tabular format for 6-9 key indicators just to keep this short and informative rather than filling with calculations. My objective here is not to give you a full-fledged formula to calculate happiness right after reading this. This is just to establish a parallel thinking on methods to get organizations achieve greater heights faster and at the same time allow individuals to realize and analyze where they stand with respect to happiness in a scale of 10 and improve their life.
I do realize this is still a task pending and wish to fill it with more key indicators which we could locate across the globe studying larger countries and bigger groups. Not just bigger at the same time diverse ones too. There could also be region specific key indicators identified and introduced based on different demographic factors. This would also require volunteers and assistance from people across the world or organizations across the world to achieve what it would really do to organizations.
As Carl Bard rightly said, “Though no one can go back and make a brand new start, anyone can start from now and make a brand new ending.”. This encourages me to put up the case here in front of you maybe to invite a brand new never ending success. I would actually trust Dr.Suess words now to end this write-up “I like nonsense, it wakes up the brain cells. Fantasy is a necessary ingredient in living; it’s a way of looking at life through the wrong end of a telescope. Which is what I do, And that enables you to laugh at life's realities.”
1. Bhutan Happiness Index - http://www.grossnationalhappiness.com/
2. Paul Hawken - http://www.up.edu/shownews.aspx?id=3784
3. My Blog - http://fallingmarkets.blogspot.com
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