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Power of tomorrow!

Disclaimer would say something like "I am not representing any political party or views" but sharing a blog from my heart. As my title says, I felt like writing it and now I am hear blogging it out.

In recent past, newspapers in India are flooded with scams & issues of corruption. Maybe it was the case before also but never dared to get necessary media attention. Now things are changing, with more private media and international media floating around and also because of the competition, most secret news are brought out.

We often think about all these news being true and at the same time also doubt its political motives. Many a times some political party A or B gets benefits from them politically or makes it a political issue with a pseudo representation of the people. We have also noticed that no news stays for more than 2 weeks time in television or newspapers or rather loses its importance and would be replaced with a better or more spicy one. Now is this human behavior to get dazzled by more spicy news and forget the other ones which was the most sensational one when first heard? Yes, it is...n people know this very well and uses it to sell their story. Who is to blamed for creating more story? We ourselves...

Now that another scam on trucks are out, I am just curious how many more as all those other Indians many more buried deep under? And more interestingly, when are they going to be shared with public? I feel all these news sharing is timed to such a professional perfection that we gently smooths out of other ones...Is it really worth spending our time?

I think in any corporate structure there would be someone who gains by deals, be it politically or financially. But there is a profit somewhere which may not be tangible. Now how come it becomes the story of the year when it comes to politics? Are we really giving unwanted importance to politics? Is it really making any difference if we care for it? It never makes...unfortunately if you want to admit it or not, the common mans life in India is filled with one would dare to take on politicians, policemen, roadside gangsters, drunken youth or even an arrogant bus conductor. Because we all fear that the above said entities are all linked with a key called money!

People in India respect the judiciary system and deep inside trusts that it would give justice but after how many years? Will anyone be ready to sacrifice their whole youth to get justice when it really doesn't make any difference to their life? We would prefer to keep silent and stay away from all dangers of being frightened by the society and socio-political system. Now when a common decent human being has this fear, think about what a boon it is to people who really want to commit crime? They know upfront that they can enjoy their whole youth without any regret since there is nothing that is going to affect them adversely in near future.

Do you think after next 10years people of India can roam around on their roads without getting bullied? Maybe yes, but for that there are lot of things to be done. Everyday lost is a life lost and don't know when someone would really think about a change. We definitely need a change from our whole system. I don't want to discuss on corruption as a whole now, but good use of technology, computer systems and transparency through internet can really bring about lot of changes to the system. Now in cities like Bangalore where IT replaces oxygen, it is not making much difference because the civil servants who had to use this systems just either neglect it or uses it end of day to tally accounts. Therefore the enforcement of its use can only be undertaken by public.

Few months back Bangalore Traffic police launched a Facebook page which boasted of being public friendly. Many guys including myself had posted quite a lot of issues with nothing being even looked at. Every time we followed up, we were responded already transferred to concerned station, will update later. After consistent follow-up our posts were just neglected. If this is the way we want our government sector to go public, then it is a wastage of tax payers money. Finally this page looks like a radio transmitter where Police can share the messages to public when they feel and for all public complaints the same automatic messages. Now if this is how it is going to be implemented, then do we really need it?

Why is our media covering the political news almost 85% of their time? Who is really taking it seriously? Should we really spend our time and money on these news? My vote would be to leave it alone. Once the media starts doing this all these political dramas and games would cool off. With no audience who would enjoy acting in a play? If somebody really does enjoy it, trust me there ought to be something really wrong!

How else can we make a change? We need public forums which would care for the public! We need to young and old to understand the importance of following rules alike! We need a generation which doesn't live in fear! We need people to have more freedom of thought! We need a set of fresh minds which doesn't have the seeds of industrialization and office filling jobs in mind! We need leaders who can lead a whole nation to live the change rather than waiting for the change...n how?
The only way is to feed your own kids and kids around you with all the virtues and educate them with the ill-effects of current society and entrust them to make the change for all of us and do admit the fact that we all failed before trying!


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