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Go Global!

The talk of the town is all about Indian economy. Once estimated as next big socio-economic power is in a phase where people are losing the trust in the governance and leadership. Wherever we could lay our consciousness we keep reading about how a common man can help Indian economy that too in n number of ways. No guys, this is not another blog to advocate a common man's power to boost Indian economy. Guess we have enough on them already in the electronic world (e-world/Internet). I would like to discuss few points to consider while implementing the much advocated methods.

I may not be able to discuss all the methods due to my lack of knowledge in the subject. Let's scrutinize the cause to buy only Indian products by Indians. This is for argument sake only and I don't intend question anyone's patriotic thought.

The idea of using Indian products only would have been a brainchild of some great thinker or a marketing strategy of a forward thinking company or notion on local political minds. Whatever it is, have you ever evaluated the pros and cons of implementing it in your day to day lives? I am sure most of you might have given it a thought and the patriotic heart in you which silently supports Anna Hazare's cause and prevents you from taking part in it physically would have said that "this is the way to go"! Now the simplicity in the idea helps most people to follow it if they wish to. But have you ever thought in what century you are living in? Isn't it a world of global citizens? We all want to help India in the easiest possible way and this do fit in that category.

When we decide to implement the use of only Indian products, have you ever thought of how many multinational companies we are talking about here? It would be thousands or so. Now each of these companies employ few thousand people way more than what Indian companies do in most cases. When Indian society decides to boycott their products, what's the thing they could do? Either closes their shops here in India or think of tie-ups with Indian companies. Now if they happen to give up easily and close their shops, millions of Indians become jobless and do you think these Indian companies are going to give jobs to these jobless people who are born out of their brilliant marketing idea? Answer is as evident as saying you see with your eyes. What if other countries follow suit and decides to implement the Indian way of saving economy? Do you have any idea what will happen to Indian economy without exports of our raw materials and products? All these Indian companies which sell B-grade products to Indians and sell their own A-grade products abroad, can they survive? In the unfortunate event of such a global boycott on Indian brands, what will happen to our economy? Do you think this country which is already buried deep in scams and corruption can survive such an event? In current world scenario, we should not think of closing down our doors rather open up to the world and bring in more investors this country from abroad. Money has to come to India and it cannot be printed as required. Let the money be Dollar, Euro or whatever, it really has to come to India for us to grow. Such negative tactics are not going to help us go forward.  

Why don't we move our attention to Information Technology or (IT, ITES) industry in India. Can these industry and companies survive without foreign money and projects? Can they keep these millions of software engineers and associates in job even if they claim to be Indian companies and non MNC's, still feed these employees? How many of you are even ready to quit an MNC and join an Indian company in same industry for a cheaper salary? My humble request to all my fellow Indians is to think rationally and decide based on your wisdom. Think using your brain and not using heart in this case.

If we are so concerned about our health and want to change to fresh lime and coconuts, why don't we start thinking about a cycle? How many of you had thought this? Cycling gives us most of those that hitting your gym may not give you. Now I don't want to emphasize the benefits of cycling which is available online for all of you to read. I never wanted to get political in this blog, but current situations demand a rational thinking rather than blindly following any party or person. I observed that there was a national bandh conducted on 31st May 2012 in India. I had earlier believed that Supreme court had banned bandh in India few years back. Maybe I am not updated about it or am I really missing something here? Considering it was banned, how can any political party conduct it and Police/Government stay silent? Is it the biggest contempt of court to openly oppose it and that too country wide? Now in case bandh is allowed by Supreme court and I understood that wrongly. What was this bandh for? This was for hike in petrol prices and showing government's incompetency to control the rates. Now before I get to discuss why government had to hike it. Let me cross check the national stats on petrol prices. And do you know what it says? Out of top three states where the petrol prices cross Rs.81, two are the same BJP ruled states which was conducting the bandh. What did they do to lower it in their own states? Not sure, maybe something is stopping them which only they can explain.

I am sure some of you might have this argument in your mind that this is not true. For all those who believe, a big thank you. For others, there is nothing wrong in cross checkin.( Government claims they had to up the petrol prices to save the loss making companies such as Indian Oil Corporation and others.  You can have a look at the profit they had been making for last few years ( and also look at this link from IOC's own website ( I can understand governments sentiments in saving their own company from making a loss and going bankrupt but it gets more difficult to digest to hike the money so that a company can make 12000+ crores as profit. Is this another form of tax collection from common man apart from the regular tax collection?

I do know this is not a way to end this post with zero solutions in here. But if you can spend few minutes more, please do read the solutions on

a.    India Inc., Investors Required -

b.    More Traffic, More Oil -

c.    Dream IT -


  1. so basically the indian rupee falling will result in more IT jobs coming in to the country as they're much more cheaper due to the falling conversion rates. this is a classic case of a double edged sword. Obviously the FB posts urging people to use only indian products is a blooper and until unless the indian products meet the quality of the ones provided by the so called foreign companies i don't think the public will stop using them.

  2. Public may not stop using foreign products but people may still have that guilty feeling of betraying India by doing so. I want the people to think about real situations and then decide whether they actually need to think so.
    More IT jobs can come to India and Indian companies can post good results but does that really help India are yet to be seen. If the IT money is going to help India as a company we would never have been where we are now.


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