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2012: Doomsday?

The whole world had been talking about doomsday during this New Year when quite a lot of people are seen celebrating New Year so much as if this is the last New Year they’ve got. Is this really going to end this time?
I am not a great believer of any calendar be it Mayan or Indian. But there are quite a few things that I would like to bring it across. Let’s leave alone the fact or myth that world will end this year but can we try to evaluate the facts that we have & the observations of great men before us?
Let’s start with what is a Yuga. A yuga is an era within the cycle of four ages. The four ages being Satya Yuga, Treta Yuga, Dvapara Yuga & Kali Yuga. All this is caused and controlled by the stars revolving and rushing above our heads. The end described in some of the spiritual Hindu texts share that it will start raining continuously until everything is flooded and drowned. By this time the people’s mind would have been corrupted beyond repair. The seeds would have given up giving more fruits. But do you think we are yet there? Can this whole happen in another few months? They say that the four ages will be work in a circular manner. Once the Kali Yuga is completed, it will again start with Satya Yuga.

The planetarium software had helped to date the existence of Rama based on Valmiki Ramayana to somewhere in 5000+ BC. King Rama is still considered one of the best men to live in India considering his warring feats and administration. This is written into every Hindu’s brains as soon as they are born. People have excavated and located Dwaraka under water as described by the Mahabharata. Satellite pictures had shown the existence of Nala Sethu bridge under water connection India to present day Lanka & much more which is proving that it all existed long back. Some of the mythology classified texts had been turning into big bulky history books. Most things that people are finding out now had been found and used millions of years ago by humans as seen in Pyramid and other megalithic architectures and much more from the excavated facts.

Are we lacking something to understand and accept it all to be real? Yes, we are. It has become human nature to question everything that they cannot digest and disprove if they cannot prove. The Mayan calendar talks about world ending in 2012 due to many things. People who understand and talk about tectonic plate shifting which in turn causes a pole shift for the earth also believes in the same. There are quite a few evidences still left in this world that shows that there was an ice age with wooly mammoth and similar animals. There was an age with dinosaurs and men who were 15foot tall. All this had been found and examined, but still the same bunch doesn’t support a polar shift. What else would have caused a quick shuffle of the world if not for earth herself moving her internals? There are evidences left of lot of civilizations being swallowed by the sea across the world. People are also talking about the lost continents in Lemuria & Kumari Kandam and much more. Are we actually turning blind or is it really the start of perish?

Every religious text in case you are a religious person talks about the world ending and a new beginning in which their hero God starts everything for them all over again. Let’s not debate about God this time but do you actually think there has to be something to do with everything ending and starting all over again. Another interesting thing to note is that all the texts also talks about flood and continuous rain which is also the case as described as the end of Kali Yuga. Tsunami’s which started hitting the present day world in near past was unknown to present day intelligent homo-sapiens but well written and documented in tamil scriptures explaining the tsunami which ate away a big chunk of prosperous land few thousand years ago.

In case your spare time allows, read the interesting not of Kali Yuga on Wikipedia and see whether it matches with present day situation in India.(Wikipedia: By the way we have great analysts and credible scientists in all industries in this earth. They had predicted that there won’t be any havoc this year and earth is not expecting any shock. Gist of it is business as usual. But remember we also had at least 500% more financial analysts and geeks who could not even predict a global slowdown and recession in 2008 when everything was rosy. To decide whom to trust is one’s personal matter which I don’t want to persuade.

Predicted doomsday is 21 December, 2012 which might just come and go like another day if we all got lucky and our kids luckier. A similar catastrophe was predicted in May 2003 in the form a planet heading towards earth to collide. It is end of cycle in Mayan calendar in Winter of 2012 too. NASA claims that it will be a normal day and year and earth will continue to exist in their websites.(NASA: If you believe in international politics and role of India in discovery and research, the Roland Emmerich and Harald Kloser written 2012 movie would look damn real.

As per astrology, a solar eclipse is predicted on 13th November 2012 and a lunar eclipse on 28th November 2012. It is expected that the effect of these two back to back eclipse’s can cause earthquakes, floods, tsunamis or volcanic eruptions as mentioned in some of the studies. But this is not going to be end of world. It could be just another bad day for we earth inhabitants as it had happened in recent past.
As per world politics, considering the pace at which terrorism is heading and people/countries forming for and against it in groups, we could also expect a world war III, which could really be devastating given the weapons some countries possess. No one could predict when but if not handled carefully such issues which are at times religious in foundation, having political pillars and nuclear roofs could not be stopped. Anyone going against it or country for that matter would be isolated and could even be attacked equally from all fronts. The story of climate control & global warming would be forgotten during the battle for power and prestige. Remember that nuclear weapons when used can cause such effects that even the creators can’t predict by even eradicating a whole race. There are evidences of use of nuclear weapons in ancient warfare available in the present day earth. Will man himself bring the doomsday by such foolish acts?

As a matter of fact, anything can happen anytime to anyone. So let’s not worry too much whether world would end but think about what best we can do today when we are all alive and together. To get started, I would recommend you to do good research on following topics to know more about what happened to earth and on earth. I would also recommend you to look for things before 0 BC and not after that. There can be lot of fabrications involving foreign bodies and powerful organizations otherwise.

Trust me you would be fascinated!

a. Megalithic Structures
b. Alien life on earth
c. Lemuria
d. Aztecs
e. Atlantis
f. Peru secrets
g. Rama empire
h. World energy grids
i. Lost continents
j. Kumari Kandam
k. Ancient Civilizations
l. Tamil Texts
m. Sanskrit Language
n. Hinduism
o. Pagan worshippers


  1. Good writing. All the stories/concepts/myths are new to me. No comments on this topic as I know nothing about this. But really appreciate the time you have taken to read through different materials, understand it and finally write it down on this blog which would let the readers to start thinking something new.
    I am also happy that, I can start reading and understand something new, whether the world ends or not.

  2. Thanks for your appreciation. Hope you learn wonderful things and also share with all. I just used this forum to hint different topics which actually needs a closer look. I will also try to write in more detail on each later sometime when I get good confidence on the subject.

  3. Wonderful research Arun, hats off.
    However, I don't like to believe the woes predicted about end of the world. Historically, many catastrophes had happened, in all era's and ages; many lives, many species and many cities had got devastated. However those lost cities, fossils of species had been excavated at a later time, where we made connections to the epics and stories olden cities and eras.

    Coming back to present, there had been disasters, be it Fukushima or Tsunami, quakes, the list goes on. If you are looking at those events from a smaller confined space where you are at the receiving end, yes, it may be an end. But in a broader spectrum, it's all a continuum. The earth, sun and stars remains, and the show must and will go on, may be on a changed note. Disasters can occur, luckily or unluckily science is yet to discover the art of predicting such major disasters. So by Dec 21, 2012, as you mentioned, anything can happen!. On a Dec 22 2012, we may be part of the history, or would've let another day pass and eagerly awaiting the next new year.

    Ending on a positive note, in the past, in all the events, there had been stories of survival as well. Those survived has been evolved further to cope with the changed conditions and environments. We may get a chance to trigger the evolution in a different route, to a brighter and better future. But Mayan calendar!? I would leave it to the end of this year to comment, hope this blog server would survive the catastrophes and disasters and provide a chance for us to do so.

    The take away "Do things today, you don't know where you are tomorrow".

    Thank you Arun, for providing us a wonderful opportunity to think...

    (On a lighter note : "The world is not going to end in 2012, as my pickle bottle tells expiry in 2014")

  4. Hi Anumod,
    Thanks for your comment. You are right. I too personally believe life will continue in this earth...irrespective of your pickle bottle survive the pressures it gets past 11 p.m. most days...btw many lost cities are yet to be discovered if what I read is correct...many places it is written about some cities which is never located...lets hope note be a part of a lost city later this year or is said that if researches are conducted below 60m in India we could prove many theories wrong by unwinding a past that is never spoken off. But unfortunately our government won't support it :)

  5. Nice article Arun!

    I do not much idea on the above topic to have a debate. But, happened to see one of the youtube video posted by NASA. It states that there are no potential threat to the earth as such(Scientifically). Here is the url

  6. Thanks Vijesh...I am not predicting a catastrophe and end of world...I am just advocating lets not even think of that...meanwhile enjoy our life and do something meaningful... :D
    btw no one can predict nothing will happen too ;)

  7. Virgins of the world, now is your time. And for those who joined gyms this new year, tough luck suckers.

    On a serious note, quite an informative piece. A few minutes for revision and editing wouldn't have done much harm though.


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Thanks for reading...happy that I got your time...all your comments are valuable for me.

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