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Stress a by-product of life

Stress is a by-product of human life when facing situations or conditions beyond our natural habitat. We face it everywhere around us whenever we are challenged in ways which are irregular. We are used to a template or pattern of life and life events, any routes which are not mapped in otherwise routine life of ours guarantees a minimum stress level. That is the easiest way to put forth the concept of stress. The body reacts to stress causing chemical changes which reflects in the form of blood pressure, heart rate, sugar levels and many unknown ways which great men of scientific knowledge are still learning about. Stress which is caused by pressure can also be negative or positive. None of us are used to associating pressure as positive as in today’s world stress had become synonymous to negative pressure.

We can be stressed with our work demands, overwhelming family commitments, challenging personal goals, unattainable financial backlogs and ever-increasing societal expectations to list a few. There are in -numerous combinations of all these and many more which are not in above list which could be sole or part contributor to our mental stress. Identifying the root of the problem is a common mistake which experts often make leading to never ending efforts on determining them. Instead focusing on us and self-improvement is the first baby step to make while the stretch goal of root of the stress search is on. We could try to use the stress as a positive motivation to challenge ourselves to perform better to a level where we are satisfied. The stress inflicted on us by others' expectations should be handled tactfully while not hurting others but managing those expectations in a way that the reality of achieving them are explained with no doubt on the effort we would put in achieving them. In case those goals or expectations are not worth our time and effort, it needs to be put forth at the earliest we can avoid future pressure. 

Financial pressure cannot be overcome overnight but efforts need to be made to not fall prey to societal norms and expectations. Involve financial experts to plan your investments, build wealth and disposing non-performing assets and unhealthy commitments with no long-term benefits. Focus on building a portfolio with assets that matches your idea of life if that just includes you and your brain alone. Important to understand you are your biggest asset and your happy mind is the ultimate wealth.

Put your body first by building a routine where there is importance to healthy lifestyle, fitness and nutritious food. Whatever is your job situation or life stage, never put your fitness at backseat instead healthy body is the driver for a healthy mind. Building a customized routine might need help of a fitness coach but that is worth the journey. 

While we all need help and guidance from specialist and practitioners to overcome stress, the home remedy is to understand the value of sleep and pressurise(only pun intended) ourselves to sleep same time everyday and wake up same time. It’s easier said than done, but I am sure that would be a great start.

Even though our society imposes a way of life on us, nobody has a master plan for success. Pressuring ourselves to achieve the success in someone else’s vocabulary should not be our goal but finding the happiness in the things we do and sharing love with people we engage with should be. Everything is fair in love of yourselves and war with pressure. You coming out victorious with a better you as an outcome is all that matters.


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