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Marvel Comic Hero to Real life Zero

Save Planet Earth
The favorite caption of this decade - 'Go green. We are all dutiful citizens working hard to save this planet. We all feel like Marvel comic hero when we do cycling a day, switch to jute bags from plastic bags and many more such disaster averting daring fights to convince our brain. What are we really saving? Are we all tiny organisms of this planet good enough to save Earth? We might have bought into the idea of every drop counts but applying in the wrong context without knowing the relevance. Even though we are taught that mother Earth is ever caring, ever accommodating and always forgiving as our own dear moms, reality is we know Earth churns up its own tsunamis, volcanos and storms while melting the ice in love. We do know that this self purifying work by our own mother Earth can eradicate the egoistic, control laundering humanity from the planet. We are in reality afraid that smarter and deserving organisms will thrive if Earth takes care of itself which we and the avengers in us will save from happening by all means.

If we look closely we can see that in the marketing and branding of save earth what has grown are large corporations and product lines. This is not a provocation to live a carefree non environment friendly life, but it's for us to think what we can really do.

Save our businesses
Covid19 has made the world realize that corporations needs we common man to let them survive. Let us be proud of being that market mover consumer who lets the stock market eat some green and stay fit. But at the same time, think about how conveniently the balance in made by world governments in when they need us and when we should be locked down. Are we really avengers or farm chickens let to graze? Beware one of the chickens will be caught every now and then to be grilled or barbecued avoiding frying as part of eating healthy to those struggling to Go Green themselves.

Save family
Insurance products were there for easily a century in different forms. Is it a coincidence that 2020 had set a new benchmark in people thinking to protect their families? Why did we all take more insurance policies during the lockdown than ever before policies? It's worth thinking that amidst the pandemic lockdowns we lost a lot of our beings in unfortunate events. It's really disheartening to even recollect. But how many of us were diagnosed with any new disease? Didn't the same hospitals sent us home with medicines which otherwise would have warranted admission into those costly four walls with fancy beds and five star services as they could make more with the same bed capitalizing on the fear of a covid positive patient? Didn't a large majority survive it effortlessly? It's worthwhile to remember that when it is time we go, but while hear save our families from these evils of businesses.

Save Future Of Kids
Ever competitive schools and students finally understood that they are overdoing things and what they thought needs contact doesn't need. What the kids really miss is human aspect of their classmate. Which school is giving time for the students to talk to each other in a class hour or play with each other? All corporations understood what they need is a highly engaged employee and working of fun at work. We should think why almost all education system still doesn't realize it. What are the students that we are creating for future if we don't create forums for them to interact without spying and associations to collaborate? We call them the kids are mobile phone addicts, always online, but who are they learning from? Aren't we the same? However beneficial and convenient online might sound, remember personal contact brings of sensitivity of senses so they build common sense.

Save Your Wallets
While it's a year to mourn for the businesses as some might think, why stock market only crashed half a year last year and reached all time highs? Are we realizing that with bringing everything to our fingertips, it's most just convenience of convenient store that we brought home but also inconvenience of overspending on all that we can happily live without? When large cities are seeing a flush out of boarders to smaller cities and villages with the work from home culture being imperative, why do we see more people building more houses for potential tenants? Why construction is going up? Why loan interest rates are cheaper? While governments of this Planet Earth says there is no going to normal and this is the new normal, why are our people so optimistic of a going back? Do you sense a disconnect of ideologies? Why we see suddenly someone who can't afford a basic phone had got a new laptop for kids? How credit is booming? Beware that we are already a credit rich country and now citizens are working hard on taking it even further.

Save Your Body
Yes, let's confess most of us are now more heavier than we used to be and happily blame the pandemic and work from home for it? We were told home food is healthy and won't put of weight before WFH? Maybe that is true to an extent but anything beyond a limit is not healthy. Are we eating what we would have eaten during a normal year 2019? Have we moved on to fatty rich food? Aren't we eating more when idle? Don't we order more outside food than ever and eat guilt free? The food delivery business four years back was almost going out of business and many shut shops, but can we think of a world without food deliveries any more? Do we really want to move that one inch from that cozy sofas or beds anymore to reach food? More likely we are ordering junk categorized food than healthy ones and guess what we have picked up cooking unhealthy food right at home too de-patronising our age old food culture which is the foundation of any society.

Save Ourselves
Let's use this pandemic to think harder, understanding the reality that the planet is not owned by us, going to Mars is no more a solution now as the news of Mars losing all its water is published. Let's use this pandemic to pick up a new life skill and become a new and improved version of ourself. Let's work on what we know which we were always poor on, let's spend time on us as equally as our people to ensure we all evolve during this locked up period.

Let's agree to disagree that we are the one running this world and responsible for everything that is happening, when the reality is most of us are not even capable of doing what we need for ourselves and rely on a chain of magical corporations.

Save ourselves by rebuilding our body, protecting the leak in our wallets, teaching kids responsibility and self content, eating healthy and staying fit to save our family, contributing to the ambitious local busineses and investing in the markets where businesses borrow from us to build their empires making us part owners.

Its finally time to effortlessly save planet Earth from those imaginary enemies which so happens to be always "All Of Us", while we work from home.


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