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Magical Success Formula

The belief in astrology had reached new heights in recent years with movie industry leading the pack of devotees. Some of the religious trusts had also started fund management across your birth and rebirth covering multiple lifetimes in case you believe in rebirth. World had seen its best ever human killer virus too in recent Months. Some of our experts in the subject matter of pandemic also told us that it repeats every hundred years. I am quite intrigued to know that be it religious predictions, stock market trends, virus occurrence patterns or be it your own expense expectations, it all seems to be post-facto. If there were really that much depth in the subject available, where are those preventive actions? Most of you in India would have noticed that you visit any astrologer, no one would ever say all your doshas or sins are forgiven, be it star alignment or from your bad deeds. Infact you need to keep doing what you have to do if you don't wish to be disturbed by otherwise naughty stars. You know I don't have the knowledge to question the experts. Rather I don't dare to, due to various self induced life protecting responsibilities. 

I would love to discuss modern humanology and possible life tracks which we see around us. It's not the right time to question the authenticity of these tracks or the result analysis charts. Most of our mankind in the civilized world can be divided into rich, almost rich, can be rich and never be rich categories. In this blog, we will study their characteristics confined to current understanding of these terms. As it is an infant area of study, we might have to wait longer for more conclusive evidences. By the way, it's very unfortunate that I can't reveal the details on the scientists working on this too. Only fun intended ;).

Some of you would have played the board game named LIFE, which says earn it, love it, live it or learn it. Now we do know that in the well devised board game, life takes us through these laid out tracks and gives its own life points which makes us decide winners towards the end of the game years. In real life, it's not much different even though the combination conditions are quite high and more random. I would recommend all of you to try the game called LIFE once to appreciate it.

There seems to be a magic formula that society or civilizations if you permit me to use that word on a larger scale, had devised for measuring the success of human life. This is also linked to the life board game but mainly concentrating on earn it part, to which love it is linked with a tint of learn it which stimulates the earn it portion. I am sure it's getting confusing and this warrants me to introduce you to what these words mean to the board game LIFE. 

Learn It - Concentrates on building knowledge theoretically acquiring degrees and PhD. You need good amount of financial investment for it.

Earn It - works on building your wealth in the form of job promotions, business ventures etc. Obviously some growth is linked to learn it due to the need of degrees.

Love it - stimulates the heart with marriage and production of kids with twins giving you more life points.

Live it - the adventure filled life taking up travels and risks to acquire handsome life points. Earns knowledge practically with no degrees to show.

Most of us could sympathize with ourselves considering the amount of reality stitched into that board game. More about the magic formula, majority of the world conspires against us if we in any which ways wanders above or beyond this thin line which is success proof. What is this formula? Simple learn well, earn well, marry well(love in some countries only linked post marriage) and live well in such a way that society accepts. I am deliberately leaving out the monster aspect of religion and culture just to avoid more complications. 

The Rich Life
Born into richness, gets the best education if the kid wants to study, mostly prone to run family business and its no surprise that most rich people are businessmen only. Marry from other rich family, tries to grow the wealth with hardwork being competitive to ancestors and make charitable contributions to ensure fame continues. 

It really can't be that easy. Meanwhile elsewhere, born into richness, not interested in education, uses time to spoil other kids and get involved in alcoholism and drugs. Marry from other rich family and engage in wife abuse and spends off ancestral riches and ensures next generation struggles. And obviously very generous to other woman and people who spends more time with them. 

The Almost Rich
Born into hardwork, one generation toils their way to success taking unprecedented risks to get rich and makes future generations proud. Tries to mimick the already rich group in a larger way often overtaking them in public demonstrations to mark the arrival of new rich kid in the block. Encourages next generations to grow the riches and knows hardwork pays. 

The second generation understands the secret of success and tries to emulate their parents often succeeding in their attempts and at times excelling.

The Can Be Rich
Born into hope, the incessant run to acquire good meals, proud of acquiring things with smart use of credit facilities, works hard on mimicking the rich but always on borrowings, believes in living life king size. Sees taking risk as the only way to riches without calculating the challenges. Want best education for kids and links quality only to high price. Thinks movie life is more realistic and it's not for fun but for life lessons. Tries to earn those quick bucks and always in search of instant success and shortcuts. Many of them are great readers of investment books and follows most YouTube channels on making money. However still struggles to find a way out and curses lack of earn it for their growth. It would be an outlier if we could find one rich person who made it big saving salaries however large they were. 

A second set of such people, falls into the  investment bubbles which explodes when it is least expected and gets a reboot to their life every now and then.

The Never Rich
Born into innumerable life challenges, follows the wrong set of can be rich. Thinks of only small money and limits themselves to quick earnings and doesn't see the big picture most times. Spend most of the already meager earnings on drinks and other accompaniments. End up teaching their next generation the same jobs which limits them too.

Another set of them works hard to pull their families back on track from the losses made by previous generations and atleast a generation spends their lifetime settling these and laying foundations for the uplifting of next generation.

Being part of any group is not wrong as there is no good or evil in life and it is a perception. Each group can be studied further to understand all are striving for same outcomes within their boundaries.

The Cycle 
The main motivator is also the limitation to this success formula, all the wonderful people are weighed with the same scale of wealth and beauty. The world plan for success says, you need good school credits, decent college credits, high paying job, beautiful and rich wife, kids in overhyped and cash rich schools, do car upgrades quite often and have longer expensive cars, large houses maintained with the use of maids and best if owns more than one house which is rented out. And then what next, teach your kids to double it.

We need to come out of these stereotypes and its not by ridiculing them but by accepting those who are not in this cycle and encouraging them to be happy. Do what you want with life, it is never required to earn more and take more debts in a life which is perishable and momentary. There is nothing wrong with luxuries or engaging in them but don't request is don't limit life only with luxuries. It is good to remember that we all can never be happy beyond few Months in anything we acquire and it's a fact. If you believe astrology can go wrong and it is okay, please have the pleasure of considering this study can be wrong too and their are again no set of rules for life to limit us.

Life is more than the board game, more than these combinations, more than any laid out success formulas, more than the play where we are considered actors.

Finally it's just a life - live it!


  1. True fact...its Just Life-Live It!
    very interesting stuff to read and thanks for sharing such a good blog.

  2. This was one interesting read. Could relate to a lot of things here. RTganks for sharing

  3. This was one interesting read. Could relate to a lot of things here. RTganks for sharing


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