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Insecure Security Insecure

One of the happiest moments in life for one and all would be when they get the job of their dreams or some job which could enable them to start dreaming. What are these dreams that comes with the job? Nothing that we could see but only feel. Once the job fits in to the life, life becomes all about exploring new destinations, innovating new ways to spend, engaging novel friendships, digging new love affairs, and often leading to move far from parents and near ones. From college life, children get trained to be involved with friends and lead/mislead their life as they chose. It is nothing new that, the whole parenting world expects their future generations to find their way and make their mark in this vast highly competitive world.

As days pass-by, the vigour to overpower new technologies, the desire to out-do peers & the natural thirst for newer avenues reduces which triggers the usage of the word settling-in, if you like  at all. Settling-in doesn't mean men has lost his passion but it means it is time to take own bigger roles in life be it work or family. During this season of the career, men or women, starts looking to find a perfect match in this imperfect world. The matchmaking process used in India is a matter of research all by itself and at this instant, I would leave it untouched. How do we know that we have started to jade and it is time for next challenge in life? One of the keywords that can be used is SECURITY. Once we get the secured feeling which is not exactly same as happy, funny, sad, creepy etcetera but a combination of distinct feelings and experiences which when combined makes us feel proud and safe. This feeling can often be generated with a steady income, finite set of entertainments, good control on expenses, ability to forecast & quantitative list of uncertainties or risks. What does man do when they feel they are now secured?

Not all but some starts about planning for a family(often with a partner), new property, new car & maybe if already possess one, it leads to contemplating the idea of a second pair of all those except or in some cases partners too. What does these new additions adds to life? Of course, they do add more responsibilities, more fun, more desire/greed, more things to live and die for. Let's get to the materialistic part of it apart from family which may not be a common goal across many. It is fair to observe the commonality in the life plan across many in the form of materialistic achievements. Why you think these are common and doesn't add significant variations to choose from? That is the part society plays in our lives, it is a known sub-conscious training that humans receive from their childhood by linking the property to security. It is no coincidence that you have noticed that a property stands all alone in the top of the hit list for any family. This is due to the combined effect wherein two or more minds have undergone the same property to security training from time known. That does mean that when two or more minds desire a common goal at home, it can surely be achieved in most cases provided there is an additional security provided by a job which brings in the job security to the frame.

Most of us are extremely  thankful to the options that job provides in life and the unforgivable part it plays in making our world secure. But my idea of this blog is to bring in an alternate thought on how much our job makes us insecure and limits our life. There is no intention to defame any job or organisation as I am quite content with my life and job at the moment.  Can you imagine the ways it limits us or makes us insecure? Every different soul would have its own justifications or points to impress in this matter. Time to limit to my boundary, which says our desires and goals are often linked to the security that the job provides in some ways or other. The security could be monetary or time bound in this regard. When a certain job provides us enough money that we could be content with which is a inhuman situation considering the human greed, but in such a state men can start thinking about trying to fly or walk on water. This argument makes me refrain from discussing the monetary site of things in more depth.  As and when we start we have reached our goals or targets, we create higher goals or targets which is a good life behaviour according to life scientists, but do you actually understand the consequence of making life more insecure by trying to achieve things that you may not require for your life? This striving hard for next level to fight a bigger monster as in computer games is what each one of us is doing knowingly or unknowingly, but we actually need to keep fighting hefty monsters to enjoy life? This is what in reality a materialistic goal gives us versus a more personal goal of working on increasing the circle of friends and family which could keep us happier. There are counter arguments when people could think of materialistic goals giving same or higher levels of happiness of which I can only sympathize at the moment.

Disclaimer to this could be that no one knows what is best for you and your life as each individual has her own reasons to think they are right. But as a general suggestion, I would suggest to have life goals - be it materialistic or personal, try to achieve them as you planned and when it is time to go for those materialistic extras - start considering some life points. Remember the fact that more security would lead to insecurity in some uncertain manner. Decide and define you destiny from the paths you choose and don't make remorseful decisions which you yourself won't want me to make!

Few words that might matter in this context:
"He is richest who is content with the least, for content is wealth of the nature" - Socrates
"Content makes poor men rich, discontent makes rich men poor" - Benjamin Franklin

Most interesting of all which you can relate to my idea of job & security & then compare yours with is imprinted in the following lines from George Carlin:
"Have you ever noticed that anybody driving slower than you is an idiot, and anyone actually going faster than you is a maniac?"


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