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Creativity, Freshness & Piracy

"All men are created equal!"

I have passed many man years thinking about the above statement in in-numerous circumstances and wish it would help me out once again in this fascinating world of movies. All men are created equal but we can't defy the different talents that different actors and craftsmen possess in the cinema world. Something that often create an upset while thinking about it is the inequality found in the wages of different artisans in the movie industry. This blog does not offer a conclusive all bells and braces approach to eradicate the inequality but attempts to get the thought provoked.

We could guess by now that there would be thousands of movie industries across the globe which might have not provided a fair ground for many whilst providing opportunities to some. Often it is mentioned that most stars had become what they are based for their hard work and deserve the wages that they demand. Most of us would have witnessed hundreds of people losing their time and money just because of their aspiration to succeed in movie industry. You can also claim that people who had been successful are really because of this risk that they took in early stage of their career and life.

Consider a young aspirant who wants to become a movie actor for his love of acting, living different lives in no time and fame, do you think he would get any fair chance based on his calibre or skills? A definite NO would be a easy guess for us, but why? Just because it is a risk that somebody had to take while offering this new guy a job. Why wouldn't they take that risk? Maybe because of the uncertainty revolving around public mass accepting a new formula against the time tested success formulas. Now with the perspective of guaranteed success with these veterans of the trade, would it be possible for a new aspiring film maker to prove his worth? Unless some big money lending production company decide to take another risk with the new film maker. Do you think these behaviours has a high probability of killing talents before they even surpass the budding season. Why you think new production companies and producers can't hit the market and run the show? If at all it happens in that manner, how can they get qualified technicians and established actors for their movie considering the story or script? The inflated imbalance that has creeped into this industry demands a wage system for the benefit of all but creativity for the least to bring freshness to the live of millions of entertainment consumers. How can we achieve it?

The approach and suggestions are just wild/random thoughts and does not have any relation to people living but maybe many dead ones are related who died while fighting for their dream in this entertainment/movie industry. It is time to introduce a salary system based on experience, skills, success gauged by percentage profit, man days spent in industry & other relevant factors. There needs to thresholds identified to get points on the achievements. Another fair and important aspect is creating cap on maximum wage that can be earned, this would also curb the imbalance in the system. Compared to the current world where an actor earns billions and millions whereas most people who does equal and better job still earn in meagre thousands, this would allow production companies and casting agents to plan their best. Any movie lover could stand the fact on higher production costs but more than 60% of a movie cost revolving on one key contributors pay cheque is a worrying thought. The same can be found in the sports industry which also needs to think of similar methods to control the abysmal rises.

With the reduction of costs revolving around one or two contributors would allow the film makers to think of utilising resources better in right areas and allows the people to take more risks which would eventually bring more creativity and freshness to the consumers. Since the production cost would become lower in exponential terms, helps in reducing the pricing of the ticket that common man needs to pay for the entertainment. This in-turn would invite more movie goers to cinema halls and help in keeping the culture alive. There is no second thought on the impact of movies on society and culture. More movie goers to cinemas would surely affect the piracy by large and would also make people enjoy the moment with family at large. The piracy industry is thriving partly due to the high cost of the movies tickets and partly due to laziness than being a first choice mode. The continuous efforts to work on these adepts would fine tune the whole entertainment industry and do more good to the fun thirsty mankind. The higher the profit a production company reaps from the projects, the more they would invest in future, this abundance in investments would create the need for creativity and freshness which is an invitation in disguise to the new comers to the industry and it would surely keep the world ticking with lesser harm than plucking these budding talents from root which it currently does to an extent. It is equally important to include the technicians in the same scale as actors or film makers as they contribute their chunk with whom no movie would ever be possible. With each passing year people gets better with experience and helps them get additional points to help their pay.

  • We have to understand the fact that there is a space for everyone when it comes to entertainment and man does not like to limit to few even though we all have our own favourites. The current favourites were new once upon a time and it is just luck and tricks which made them get into out minds and stay there all these years but it doesn't mean we don't want anything new. This way maybe all men won't stay equal even though they are created equal but they would grow with each success and dip with each failure which very much represents life in every breath.

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