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Do we really need Oxygen to live?

These funny thoughts had been in my mind for some time now. Always thought are we overlooking the fact that we need Oxygen to live? Or is it that we have taken it for granted? This picture is of a tree which used to shower Oxygen in my neighbourhood, now don't ask me who used to breathe from it or how much Oxygen it produced daily. The significant thing here is that it is not there any more and gave way for 3 parking lots for two wheelers as you can see.

We all accept the fact that two wheelers can help people to travel fast during rush hours and can beat the traffic jam with ease. But in case we don't have these two wheelers parked in exactly the same place where this tree once stood, it can never be parked? Somebody has to keep riding it always? Are we that short of land? Maybe its insane to post such questions which might look ridiculous for few. But the fact is we really are running shot of land. People ignore the importance of trees in human life. How many of us really observe the breathing that our body does so efficiently and effectively? We actually think it as an automated job running in background always in the human server called 'Myself'. But what will happen if we don't get enough Oxygen? Our otherwise brilliant world had never found a substitute for humans to survive without spending a Zimbabwe dollar.

Is it a plot by extra smart governments to finally sell Oxygen created in some lab as a byproduct of some chemical reaction in plastic bags to the common man? It will be unfair to people of this world, if they had to fight for Oxygen along with the current fist fight for money, food, water and whatever. We should understand the importance of trees for the existence of this world. We often read about climate changes and adverse effects of hurricanes, tsunami's & earth quakes. It is just another by-product of what we are giving to this planet called earth. We are destroying the natural habitat in this planet to satisfy our fashionable needs. I don't want to go into global warming with this post. Which itself is another world of bone breaking issues. We all should take active participation in protecting the trees around us and promote the importance of planting new ones.

Never take our successor, our children to a state where they have to pay to breathe. Increased use of public transport by those three scooter owners would have let that tree live. We should rethink about buying vehicles if we already have one to satisfy our need. Current world sees mode of transport as fashion and forget the importance of fuel efficiency and our responsibilities to the planet. We all should respect the fact that we need vehicles to commute fast but not to destroy our world. We should restrict the urge to buy more than one car/scooter if we really don't need it. How many cars can you drive at a time? Forget the marketing that these companies do which makes you think its like a suit or blazer, i.e. a car for every occasion. Do good to our planet, our plants and it will surely give us the best in this world. This prayer is not just for us but for the future generations also.

In case you feel like you need to know what is Oxygen, - Click Me!


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