The word itself is the real cause of the problem. "CorrUPtion" itself comprehends the meaning of growth, a green arrow pointing upwards if you take it in today's world. People get obsessed with growth n money and easiest way UP is getting corrupted. I don't blame the corrupt people of the world. I just pity them whereas I would come back to across a proposition to the system. We should start with cleaning up the word corruption before we get to the root of it.
Corruption can be tackled in few different ways which would be only successful when every individual get to take part in it and enact their role to the max. Last day I happened to read an article from a spiritual leader who had given example of youth in some place in India who decided that they will never pay bribes. When they happened to visit a government office in India they were asked to pay bribes to proceed. These young men dared to respond to the seeker that they can come back 20 times for this, they would still respect the officer but will never pay bribe for what they need. This impressed the seeker and he agreed to do his job faster. This is just an example but there are in-numerous examples where people were ready to pay bribes just because things can be done out of the queue. This is the urge which we would require each individual to tackle himself. We must together enter into a covenant that we would never think of cutting the queue with bribes.
The piece where we would require the system to help us is to understand the importance of civil servants or government officials in keeping the system ticking and give proper remunerations which would help them sustain a reasonable standard of living. Most countries deny the civil servants with such pay checks and allow them to make money out of their position themselves. It is a good idea to build entrepreneurs but would bite back the system like what it had done today. Once again I would say we should educate the youth and children from schooling to fight against corruption in their own ways. The recent happenings around our world especially in India made me think about this evergreen disgrace to the world "corruption". To quote a few of those happenings India's telecom minister is forced to resign due to scam in selling 2G licenses, one of the chief minister of a state in India again forced to resign.
We need governments across the world to forget the existing order of prosecution and in these cases have a different one which doesn't need to go through different layers for few decades. It should be a one where in within 1-2 days there is a decision and people are punished. I know it can be unfair in case of just people. But trusting the judiciary and under the belief that it will bring justice to all, we should not allow another hearing for such cases. There should not be any more re-opening of such cases by persons unless a ruling or opposition government want to support this person and reopen it with their backing where they take the blame as a unit if decision is against them. This will make them re-think whether to take the risk of putting the brand name of their political party on the spot.
As it is the case today, biggest investment in India from foreign entities is also through political corruption and not in Infrastructure, healthcare or markets or whatever. We should tackle this international threat with proper understanding of the operations and execution rather than been naive. No country should allow the world to take advantage of their corrupt system. Following a process in every form of life and work is important and beneficial if everyone follows it. Otherwise it just mess up the whole system beyond correction. In case of corruption, it is this correction that we need to execute now. Every moment lost in this regard is a decade lost for sure.
Corruption can be tackled in few different ways which would be only successful when every individual get to take part in it and enact their role to the max. Last day I happened to read an article from a spiritual leader who had given example of youth in some place in India who decided that they will never pay bribes. When they happened to visit a government office in India they were asked to pay bribes to proceed. These young men dared to respond to the seeker that they can come back 20 times for this, they would still respect the officer but will never pay bribe for what they need. This impressed the seeker and he agreed to do his job faster. This is just an example but there are in-numerous examples where people were ready to pay bribes just because things can be done out of the queue. This is the urge which we would require each individual to tackle himself. We must together enter into a covenant that we would never think of cutting the queue with bribes.
The piece where we would require the system to help us is to understand the importance of civil servants or government officials in keeping the system ticking and give proper remunerations which would help them sustain a reasonable standard of living. Most countries deny the civil servants with such pay checks and allow them to make money out of their position themselves. It is a good idea to build entrepreneurs but would bite back the system like what it had done today. Once again I would say we should educate the youth and children from schooling to fight against corruption in their own ways. The recent happenings around our world especially in India made me think about this evergreen disgrace to the world "corruption". To quote a few of those happenings India's telecom minister is forced to resign due to scam in selling 2G licenses, one of the chief minister of a state in India again forced to resign.
We need governments across the world to forget the existing order of prosecution and in these cases have a different one which doesn't need to go through different layers for few decades. It should be a one where in within 1-2 days there is a decision and people are punished. I know it can be unfair in case of just people. But trusting the judiciary and under the belief that it will bring justice to all, we should not allow another hearing for such cases. There should not be any more re-opening of such cases by persons unless a ruling or opposition government want to support this person and reopen it with their backing where they take the blame as a unit if decision is against them. This will make them re-think whether to take the risk of putting the brand name of their political party on the spot.
As it is the case today, biggest investment in India from foreign entities is also through political corruption and not in Infrastructure, healthcare or markets or whatever. We should tackle this international threat with proper understanding of the operations and execution rather than been naive. No country should allow the world to take advantage of their corrupt system. Following a process in every form of life and work is important and beneficial if everyone follows it. Otherwise it just mess up the whole system beyond correction. In case of corruption, it is this correction that we need to execute now. Every moment lost in this regard is a decade lost for sure.
This is one of the hottest topics all the come to light.. i hope all the news Channels in India now has something to cover for 24*7 . :) and as we think it's not so easy.. where and who to start ? we the people or the politicians ? i know there are lot of movies made on this topic too.. pretty interesting and the director did make some good money from few of those movies might be.. but what after that ?