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The Day - Ayodhya

The much awaited 22-Jan is here and the whole India is galloping towards Ayodhya. Once again it is time to cherish the return of the King who once ruled the heart of this young nation India. While the praja(common folks) are busy preparing the Ayodhya for the much awaited prathistha(consecration), the emperor, his family and associates are preparing for the big day. The complete ownership of the pandal readiness had been given to Laxman who seems to be taking support of his cousins for driving the creativity, ensuring a pleasing colorful stage, altar and seating area.

We could hear the thump of an old bullet which is moving towards us in a predictable pace. Few of my friends told me it can only be the man of the moment who takes pride in owning the responsibility of security for the whole event and who is more than capable to protect the Lord himself. Yes, I am talking about Hanuman who was riding his vintage bullet towards the pandal where me and others were eagerly helping out Laxman for the grand opening the next day.

While the women folk were busy cutting the twine and making the floral garlands for the event, they had engaged in a deep conversation about the story of 50 artists who had come down to Ayodhya to make the grand saree which Sita was going to wear. It was made with silk, diamonds and gold thread all woven to perfection. The secret use of saffron in them makes it smell great too which was first time ever it was getting used in an apparel. The crowd was happy about otherwise simple Sitaji was now forced to go to the royal beautician who would perform the treatments which the most beautiful lady in the country doesn’t need but trend and fashion spares no one.

Ram was nowhere to be seen for sometime while every one continued their deep prayers while performing their duty for the preparation of the event. The ministers and prime minister of the country was also travelling to Ayodhya for the event which was a big news world around. No one had expected such a quick return of Ram. TV news was constantly showing the trip of Bharat and Shathrughna along with their partners had started their trip to the new palace built for Ram in their Innova and Fortuner respectively. The TV feeds were getting annoying that I made my friends switch off the tv twice, and while scrolling through the feeds I saw that the same thing was trending on X and Insta too which made me keep my mobile aside and continue my job with admiration thanking my luck for being part of this historical event.

There were some hearsay that Ram was practising in his Kalari to perfect his kalaripayattu planned for the grand opening in front of his people. While others insisted he is kept hidden to avoid trouble of crowd going out of control. I couldn’t hold my curiosity and I wanted to search for him but something in my mind told me that he knows when to show up, he knows everything without saying. I tired but couldn’t control my curiosity but Laxman’s orders controlled my action for next few hours as I had committed for a certain task few lives before that I would be doing on this day. 

Manthara had got into the crowd as one of the housekeeping staff and repented her deed and wanted to see Ram with filled eyes and get his forgiveness. Her mind was not allowing her to think of anything but Ram and her wrongdoing which she carried whole life. While Kaikeyi who had stopped appearing in court or public much before Ram completing his exile, had made up her mind that one last time she will appear in front of her world, to see her beloved Ram ascend to the throne. She had cried years waiting for Ram’s return and the mistake she made in greed. She was not forgiven by her husband Dasharatha who resolved not to meet her before his death too. But she was sure if one person who could forgive her and treat her like or more than his mom, it was Ram. But where is Ram? Why nobody is able to find him? Everyone had this question but scared to ask in open in the fear of creating a chaos.

The naysayers who are the prominent few in any crowd had started talking about other competing kingdoms abducting Ram and others propagated a revenge from Ravan’s right hand men who were trained assassins. As in any negative news, this caught on and became a wildfire, the grapevine really is a dangerous way to create havoc. We were nearing the time when we had to start the function, while all were busy in their worlds and thinking of what next to do after this function, I was still searching in the crowd, above in the sky, below in the pathalok for our Ram. It’s his big day, it’s his day which his people had waited for long thousands of years. Everyone looked for answers with Hanuman who is the chief of security and without his knowledge nothing can move. Hanuman himself was in prayers and Laxman too seems to be not all worried but had kept their eyes closed and we could see few drops of tears rolling down the chin. Bharat and Shatrughna was getting impatient as they had missed their dear brother waited longest. Sita decided to break the silence and reminded the people on the pandal and tv watching and waiting for Ram. “We searched for him everywhere, we speculated everything including foul play but what we really forgot is that he is in each one of you and in me too, while searching everywhere if we had looked in us and prayed hard he would have appeared long before. His appearance is a blessing that you won’t need any more boon to stay happy and prosperous.” 

As always once we know this for a fact, Ram appeared from the crowd as a common man who had been working with us all the while past few days. He was with me when I climbed the 200 stairs of wooden staircase to tie the flags. He held me from drowning when I took a deep dive to bring the pearls for the event. He searched with me for Ram when I went to the meditation room. He was sitting behind Hanuman during that thumping ride on the bullet to the pandal. He was saying in the ears of Laxman which colour he needs in the stage and what flowers pleased him and Sita. It’s just that we ordinary people can’t hear it but we continue the search until our death. Hope we open our eyes and ears and mind and make it ready for the entry of God and Godliness!


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