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Showing posts from 2014

My days in Munich as it started

München as people call it here, seems to be well paced for a normal slow life. To signify the first point I made, even at peak office hours you could find some underground train lines running in a ten minute frequency. I had landed here for work in early October where people recommended to be the last month with Sun before the master star goes in hiding and hibernate. As usual, I could guess that this is not going to happen this year as per my track record. People here are more weather driven than the Englishmen that I met. Often the predictions remains negative and sun keeps surprising the crowd. While in the Lufthansa flight, I got a good gist of what is in offering as I browsed through the on-air shop. There where multitude of good gadgets that I have never even heard off. I am not able to recollect any at the moment and signifies how unimaginable it could be. My workplace here was no different with cheeky gadgets and systems all around. The rest rooms had a cloth towel which runs o

Insecure Security Insecure

One of the happiest moments in life for one and all would be when they get the job of their dreams or some job which could enable them to start dreaming. What are these dreams that comes with the job? Nothing that we could see but only feel. Once the job fits in to the life, life becomes all about exploring new destinations, innovating new ways to spend, engaging novel friendships, digging new love affairs, and often leading to move far from parents and near ones. From college life, children get trained to be involved with friends and lead/mislead their life as they chose. It is nothing new that, the whole parenting world expects their future generations to find their way and make their mark in this vast highly competitive world. As days pass-by, the vigour to overpower new technologies, the desire to out-do peers & the natural thirst for newer avenues reduces which triggers the usage of the word settling-in, if you like  at all. Settling-in doesn't mean men has lost his p

Creativity, Freshness & Piracy

"All men are created equal!" I have passed many man years thinking about the above statement in in-numerous circumstances and wish it would help me out once again in this fascinating world of movies. All men are created equal but we can't defy the different talents that different actors and craftsmen possess in the cinema world. Something that often create an upset while thinking about it is the inequality found in the wages of different artisans in the movie industry. This blog does not offer a conclusive all bells and braces approach to eradicate the inequality but attempts to get the thought provoked. We could guess by now that there would be thousands of movie industries across the globe which might have not provided a fair ground for many whilst providing opportunities to some. Often it is mentioned that most stars had become what they are based for their hard work and deserve the wages that they demand. Most of us would have witnessed hundreds of people losing t

World Cup 2014 - the story so far...

The festival has begun and has reached the nail-biting, heart breaking stage. As always I started to follow World Cup picking Germany as my first team and a distant second as Argentina. The only dark horse that I expected to surprise the world was Belgium with their star studded team. Colombia looked very intelligent with the ball and stood out in many ways as no one in this world expected them to go to second round without talismanic striker Falcao but they showed they are more than what Falcao is. Before naming few of the players I felt stood out in the game, I would like to share my thoughts on the World Cup so far. Due to work demands, I had to start watching the first World Cup match in a local pub near to work. Expecting a cracker from Brazil even though I am not a huge fan of Brazil as I think they are a team which doesn't need much support with the kind of resources they have on the field, I felt it was more than unfair to Croatia who could have beaten Brazil in

Not so curious case of England exit from World Cup 2014

As you might already know, I am not an expert on world football. But as all the football fanatics who tends to act like an expert when it comes to football matches and favourite players, I do have an opinion. Being in heart of England during the world cup first round exit season, first time after 1958, thought of sharing what might have worked better if at all there was some chance. As always the football coaches are often the subject of a poke and dig from fans and followers alike, this can just be ignored as a rant or bitching. To put things on perspective, I am not an English football fan but expected them to play better than what they did considering the talents at disposal. Often I have shared with my friends and close ones that since most of us follow premier league, we get awestruck when we see all the club stars together on the pitch sharing the same dressing room. It is nothing greater than a fantasy team coming together rather than an actual result oriented get together.

Holidays at Scotland - another trip on the wall

Another trip on my wall As all exciting trip days, I woke up early without any alarm or black tea. Rushed to send work emails to settle few pending stuff to allow my mind to slip-in to the holiday mood. My wife and son got ready in no time as always and we took the trains to the Victoria Coach station. Last time I was on this coach station, we missed the bus for no reason. And this time we were far too keen to rush and board the bus without any gate opening or calls unlike last time when they never opened gate or did a call but expected the world to get into the bus. Long journey to Glasgow, Scotland and time to take that long awaited, careless, free, my own time to get that long cherished sleep which I missed due to long work hours and other busy-ness. Reached in the evening as planned. First interesting personal touch was shown by the taxi driver who blinked his eyes with wonder when I said the zip code which had been the norm in London. He said can you tell  me  the buildin

Online War World

World would be in its best documented time with the surge of the online world. Folks across the world has embraced the online world with both hands and shoulders. We have lot more net-i-zens than citizens any country could every need. The World Wide Web has cobbled a fine path for people at all facets of life. Be it Facebook, Google, Wikipedia, Amazon, Microsoft, Apple, Sony, Samsung or vast majority of companies out there which orchestrates the online experience or be it  tablets, mobiles or computers which boasts the best a man can get on earth in order to experience online divinity. We humans are expected to spent millions of dollars in our lifetime for phablets, mobiles and connectivity, just to be online refreshing that Facebook page of ours. It has reached a stage where we don't need to meet a person in real anymore for want of anything. People are ready to substitute real pleasures with online pleasure be it love, warmth, care or sex. We are ready to manage a whole world