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Online War World

World would be in its best documented time with the surge of the online world. Folks across the world has embraced the online world with both hands and shoulders. We have lot more net-i-zens than citizens any country could every need. The World Wide Web has cobbled a fine path for people at all facets of life. Be it Facebook, Google, Wikipedia, Amazon, Microsoft, Apple, Sony, Samsung or vast majority of companies out there which orchestrates the online experience or be it  tablets, mobiles or computers which boasts the best a man can get on earth in order to experience online divinity.

We humans are expected to spent millions of dollars in our lifetime for phablets, mobiles and connectivity, just to be online refreshing that Facebook page of ours. It has reached a stage where we don't need to meet a person in real anymore for want of anything. People are ready to substitute real pleasures with online pleasure be it love, warmth, care or sex. We are ready to manage a whole world full of fantasies with those wonderful games which invites us to a world which we always dreamed. These wonderful masterpieces that they are, allows us to build, govern and sustain our own civilizations, gives us a hand in having a say on history and much much more. This new world of ours even allows research papers to be made with lesser or zero effort by not researching but re-searching it.

For a common web enabled man, it has become one of those must haves in life. It has come to a point where it never matter what you are and what you do but it does matter whether you hold smartest smart phone in your hand, coolest tablet in your bag and fastest laptop at your command. Man is more judged by his online presence and dominance than living his dream or maybe the dreams are more global.

The world powers has ignited a cyber war among them with innovations which makes me wonder why not we or they build an online war world. It is not just another copy of World of Warcraft. Every country wants to disarm other countries from using nuclear power, many countries wants to have a stab at certain others but in real world can't dare considering the consequences, no one here is fighting for blood or want of it but it is more oil, gold, dollar, power & control. If blood is really not that important then why is it that blood that has to be given/taken? Why is it that blood that has to be lost? Why is it that humans or an ordinary family man who has to give way? Isn't it time that we start dreaming of wars without blood-shed? I know it is easily said than done but can it every become a reality when we just have wars living only inside those humongous computers?

Another wild model is up for proposal here, which might be justifying why people at times feel I am insane. But you know what, nothing could stop us from dreaming anyways. This wave of thought would be categorized as abnormal, insensitive, biased, foolish or whatever you would want to. But again nothing could stop us from dreaming. We can think of every country needing a set of specialist software developers, architects, designers, apart from the current existent army hierarchy. Each country should be allowed to develop their own army with weapons and powers that they could programmatic-ally design and deliver. The fear of becoming just another test of super computers can be out-lived by proper governance and rules in place. Being a software engineer myself my selfishness for job security might be the one which makes me think of this. It could give lot of job opportunities for IT aspirants which is over flooded by untapped resources with guage-less potential unlike any other area across the world.

While the war is in progress, it could be regulated by UN or some other peacekeeping agency which is transparent enough for the world to trust it. We can surely form it's own set of rules but would definitely take time to get into desired shape. Should plan to include very strict rules in the event of any country which ignores the war world and engages in a physical war. Strictness should be as strict as getting demolished by all other forces together without forming any alliance across any side but all against one.

Be it super power or superior force or war interns, only war that should take place should be online on plotted scheduled calendar dates. When one loses, we can think of financial loss or debt to another country could be a fair result. I wish not complying to that doesn't start another real world war. Man cannot live without war which is proven from  history, be it land, love, power, desire, it has all started war in the near past, history, documented history and ancient history. 

Every country can devise their own strategies and war machines. Be it a human bot soldier or a fighter jet, humans can spent their time and effort in creating the best they could but in the online world. But all in the virtual world of war without a drop of blood replaced by just red color on those dim-lit LED monitors. If the whole world can embrace this technically advanced world situation we have vast benefits which is hard to estimate at this point. All those evilness that an efficient nuclear system can produce, which is, of course misused as warfare could be reduced to energy grids for the world powers. Governments could think more about people than worrying about their own fences. It could become like money which is said to be only roaming in 8% of what the world transacts in physical form, rest all being online.

Developing countries could have some thing to do with their IT graduates other than leaving them at the mercy of other multinational corporate to be too optimistic that I am by nature. We can expect lesser fear and more faith in life for the future generations and could make it all the more eventful world but with less threat to life. It can also help governments to spend tax payer money on something more useful and productive for the people. Imagine a situation where our dear TV companies which are now busy  trapping politicians when they don't share the booty, would actually think of broadcasting it live for us. An online live show featuring live telecast of such an online war led by Generals and Commanders commanding online bots, fighters and warships towards victory which could be another form of world cup cricket or football if we ever took it easy.

Wishful thinking is what we could do but remember for every good their is an equally potent evil which might be hidden in this novel thought too. 


  1. Replies
    1. Thanks Renjith. Hope it becomes a reality and equally enjoyable game ;)

  2. War..... war never changes.... @quote from fallout game series:-)

    Nice blog..... war without blood is always a better evil but don't think mankind will ever get out of "blood"y war.


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