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Metaverse - Is it future or our own history?

 We had been fascinated with the site visits of aliens for time eternal. We have heard stories, conspiracies, witness accounts and dreams of various fellow earth civilians about the UFOs and the antenna hoisted heads for a while. Most of at some point had really wished to at least believe one of those accounts and often articulated it to others to make sure they believe our beliefs. The alluring beauty of the story line is something the Hollywood and other woods had en-cashed for over few decades and still planning to sell it to humans in future adding nearer to reality movies.

The world of virtual reality on another side is growing leaps and bounds allowing us to use technology to have near real life experiences in various forms. Be it trainings, movies, business, adult content, gaming or the boring academia, it has it all. Couple of decades back itself the gaming industry had made use of quite a lot of first-person action games giving the player an experience worth remembering a lifetime. And now that too is pushing its boundary with virtual reality. While virtual reality needs its own hardware to support, and the environment is controlled by the programmer. The augmented reality makes use of your real environment and builds its story around it. It doesn't need a support of additional hardware either. This really extends the possibilities of its use cases to by overlaying digital content on the real world. Avoiding the mistake of making this write-up a technical journey but do read about mixed reality and extended reality on your favorite google provided links.

While you are in the Indian journey among mystics, yogis, gurus and others, you would have always learned about the power of mind. There are often references of our gurus (spiritual and non-spiritual), leaves our plain and attains higher plains during the meditation resulting in interactions with supreme beings, other yogis and experiencing a forceful opening of higher intellect. This separates them from the rest and gives them the ability to influence(socially) the lives of contemporary world beings. There are evidences such beings impacting and dictating lives for few thousand years also now after they leave their abode in Planet Earth. Of course, they didn't have the aide of the technology the way we perceive and compare with after reading the previous paragraph. However, they had a better tool and control on that tool unlike the wayward movements of our VR headsets - The Mind!

The mind is said to have power to create, read, update, and delete lives, be it ours or people around us. Ultimately all the souls are part of one large soul and can be connected implicitly if you have the right connector with you. There were innumerous disciples to these special beings who also inherited many practices from their masters and continued its practice for few generations now. I am sure in some form; many would have got corrupted with time but there could still be some genuine ones left which we may not be aware of.

We have learned from various alternate history books saying different stories about our earth, that there was frequent contact with superior beings from other planets and they used to visit Earth and specifically places near Indian sub-continent. There are also suggestions that some of the continents which was submerged under water was forcefully done due to some issues between earthlings and others. Imagine the amount of technology at hand to do that. As the Dwaraka excavations showed the residuals of a nuclear war, I wonder the continent drowning theory could be true too. Both ways there are evidence in various part of the planet showing interactions with other beings. It could be same universe or any other universe theoretically. The speed at which they travel, the technology in use and all are something beyond me to imagine at the moment. 

Now when we see the emergence of metaverse, I feel life had come full circle and post Kali Yuga, as suggested it will be a new beginning. We are now learning to live in multiple universes at same time, the life we want, with the people we want, the way we want. Many of current generation, spent their complete day in metaverse platforms living an alternate life. It gives us more fulfilling experience as there are very few limitations that we are often bound by the law of the land. We create our own avatars which we knew only God used to have once upon a time. 

Metaverse allows us to restart our life innumerous times in various forms which in reality we can do in current life too, but we often go by societal norms tagging everything to age and ability. Metaverse teaches us that we can live in multiple universes at same time, having different lives and still be sane. Isn't it the same what our ancestors did using the mind, which we are doing using metaverse? Can we get lost in the alternate universe forgetting to come back to our life outside? Can we start living within a universe inside another universe inside another? Will we live together with different us in different universes exchanging data/knowledge/experience among them to create a better mind in the real us outside it all in Planet Earth? The world wants to explore business in metaverse targeting the minds on it, but I feel the minds on it have a good possibility to unlock their spiritual side and experience what our ancestors said to have experienced. Can all the puranic texts, talking about various avatars of same person, talking about the avatar that has comeback now and performing their life on various universes at the same time and later collected as stories and shared to all places?

This shows immense potential of human mind which is unexplored. Living in dream was a thing of past, now we can live the dream in metaverse. Isn't it spiritually connected to our life? Isn't it the new religion? Isn't it the new reality? Isn't it going to teach us we are much more than we can dream off and what others talked about us? And one last question I had - was it always what our Vedic texts told us about Gods in heaven and other planets? Was it metaverse of those age which are mis-interpreted by our predecessors? Has the world finally come full circle?


  1. It's a good comparison with Vedic and Purana. Basically, Metaverse is the revisit of Indrajaal and Mayajaal in the concept of Vedic.

  2. Well written Arun.. i would like to do deep meditation in augmented reality ..i should feel i am in Himalayas


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