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Reboot Earth - Soft vs Hard Reality

We don't get to see too many agreements between Philosophy, Religion, Science and Freethinkers. One thing that unites most of them is the theory of earth pressing its own reset button and in most cases they talk about floods or polar shifts.  

“The good thing about science is that it's true whether or not you believe in it.”― Neil deGrasse Tyson

Most times our actions justifies what once Mahatma Gandhi said, “To believe in something, and not to live it, is dishonest.” We remember earth on the earth day and love to light candle for few minutes to respect it. An act similar to performing a ritual post death of a beloved.

The world is definitely filled with fine breed of people who are working on creating policies for the global betterment and sustain life in the planet earth. The problems like melting of arctic ice, reduction of amazon rainforest, destruction of ecosystem in various, extinction of wild animals, disappearance of - once abundant fishes in the oceans, hardly spotting those birds we once met in our childhood and many more. Definitely we are aware of most of it, but we trust our governments to do their job and handle all these problems. While we are busy buying an apartment on a lake landfill, or focusing only meat consumption as we are on top of the food chain, feasting on Shark fin soups, working hard on improving(read as increasing) our population, chopping trees for our toilet needs, eating more than we need to survive. 

We don't trust government to fix our roads but trust them to change the environment and the world we live in. That is some confidence and great amount of trust. A government which changes every few years can do it but not us whom we carry daily. Can men be called as stupid? or is it just ignorance? Aren't we just another animal who learned the art of surviving the never forgiving nature with the tools we build and the intellect we carry above our neck? Many studies have revealed the biggest threat to Earth's existence is humans itself. If humans continue the existence in current form, a handful of celebrities and NGOs together can't provide the cover this planet needs. 

The world is now filled with courses on sustainability, energy recycling and other green initiatives. Hope it is for the good, we would love to harness the power of water, sun and wind to feed our energy hungry devices and eye soothing entertainment. We are on a mission to save planet but don't want to loose the luxury of our present lives. We are ready for innumerous classes, presentations, symposiums, conferences on sustainability but would not like to make a lifestyle change for any good. We feel proud cycling to work and using diesel generator to charge electric car but end up using coal fueled electricity whole day at work and home - all guiltfree. Government suggest to move electric vehicles in countries were cakes don't stay for two days due to power shortage to run refrigerators. What is sustainability? Isn't supposed to be a balance? Where is the balance if we turn either ways and throw our weight to harness imbalance? Can we find a new balance without changing the present and adapting a hue of past. 

A good google research would show you that world is facing with problems school essay favorite "pollution", Sadhguru driven "soil" issues, of-course the most famous "global warming", time driven "natural resource" depletion, our biggest contribution "waste creation and disposal", "deforestation" and my personal favorite "overpopulation". Why is overpopulation a front runner? More people, more stomachs to feed. More people, more pollution generation. More people, more natural resources used. More people, more waste generated and lesser disposed. More people, more living spaces required and deforestation required. More people, more bad habits and more collectively contribute to the global warming. Now as Dan Brown once created a plot(The Inferno), we can't kill the earthlings and recreate it like starting over Age of Empires game again. Even though few are trying it via wars, propagandas of pharma and whatever other conspiracy theories we would love to lend our ears to and believe. We surely have a good say in the contributions that we can make.

Many say we know that this time we can't repair this earth and that is why we are speeding up on our space researches to find alternate spaces and destroy that too. We with all our needs and the dreadful deeds is not going to make this world any better place. We who are busy fighting over religious ideologies can't identify the virtue of a better planet. We can't think beyond next year in most cases, and that too our own selfish personal goals. How can we expect us to make any change in this world? If all those stories are to be believed, does that mean the kind of scientific advancement we have achieved was achieved before that last global bouncing of earth's servers? If yes, then maybe we already cracked the methods to harvest lives in other planets and our extra-terrestrial visitors are for real descendants of our own ancestors? 

Isn't convenient to just believe philosophy, religious texts, science and the likes And live happily knowing the fact that it has happened umpteen times and earth knows to handle its own problems. Yes, it may lead to flushing us humans into the crust of the planet and giving mankind a chance to build again. If Wooly Mammoth, Dinosaurs and Sabre toothed cat didn't deserve it, why do we think humans deserve to survive? 

And one last question, "Time to think what did we really mean by celebrating - The Earth Day?"


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