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Showing posts from 2022

Metaverse - Is it future or our own history?

 We had been fascinated with the site visits of aliens for time eternal. We have heard stories, conspiracies, witness accounts and dreams of various fellow earth civilians about the UFOs and the antenna hoisted heads for a while. Most of at some point had really wished to at least believe one of those accounts and often articulated it to others to make sure they believe our beliefs. The alluring beauty of the story line is something the Hollywood and other woods had en-cashed for over few decades and still planning to sell it to humans in future adding nearer to reality movies. The world of virtual reality on another side is growing leaps and bounds allowing us to use technology to have near real life experiences in various forms. Be it trainings, movies, business, adult content, gaming or the boring academia, it has it all. Couple of decades back itself the gaming industry had made use of quite a lot of first-person action games giving the player an experience worth remembering a life

Invest with Discipline - SIP

Guys it has been long time since I wrote something. This time I thought of sharing my views on SIP(Systematic Investment Plan) into mutual funds. There are better ways of making quick bucks. But lets devote the whole blog to SIP. There are many of my friends who had invested into markets using the Mutual Funds just because of my advice. I would like to share my experience with mutual funds. Why should we invest in mutual fund and not directly to stock market? This can always be debated since on my blog on stock market I would tell learn to manage your money. But here I would tell you that lets leave it to experts. Same as when you need legal advice and assistance you look for lawyers, Doctors for be precise..we always believe in experts...then why to take risk? Do you think they will leave their credibility at stake thinking its somebody elses money? Never...this is their job and will do their best. The risk of investing through mutual fund has lot of benefits: 1. It di

Hamlet Of Spirits

The dusk had its charm in the dim moonlight, lighting the streets of the little hamlet where we were living for a generation. The village had not witnessed the neon lamps shining for decade and now the solar powered lamps had given up sooner than before connecting the power cables to them. The pothole rich roads had the tires of cars, scooters and stomach scattered all around our imagination while enjoying the bumping rides. Little kids had started to play in the puddles imagining the swimming pools of rich. Cricket was a common evening show in the fields around the village which presented itself as a town with the only bar claiming to be a pub. The rendezvous of rich and poor, heroes and villains, business tycoons and unemployed, while some gluttons roamed around them in much hopes of sumptuous meal before heading home after a days work. The only movie theatre was filled with drunkards every evening whistling to the tunes of the popular South Indian movies with dashing stuntmen and ra

Up, Up and Away!

 Not sure whether we can call it as post-covid yet or new world for that matter. Maybe current times would be a good start. The corporate world had frozen the travels for a while and the official ones had become a rarity. The taxi to pick me up came right on time as expected, triggering the start of an official trip. As usual I had managed to pack more than required for a one day trip, almost competent for a week. A morning drive to Bangalore airport was very relaxing and had a meditating effect. This is an unspoken local secret, to be experienced only if you manage to travel before the traffic settles otherwise notorious Bangalore roads.  Before we get into the adventure, you need to be mindful about the not so exciting previous night. Indigo had promptly informed to do an online check-in and generate the boarding pass which I obliged without any challenge. However I assumed it is to avoid queueing in the airport, also for a fast drop out of baggage and I was proved right by the BLR a

Reboot Earth - Soft vs Hard Reality

We don't get to see too many agreements between Philosophy, Religion, Science and Freethinkers. One thing that unites most of them is the theory of earth pressing its own reset button and in most cases they talk about floods or polar shifts.   “The good thing about science is that it's true whether or not you believe in it.” ―  Neil deGrasse Tyson Most times our actions justifies what once Mahatma Gandhi said,  “To believe in something, and not to live it, is dishonest.” We remember earth on the earth day and love to light candle for few minutes to respect it. An act similar to performing a ritual post death of a beloved. The world is definitely filled with fine breed of people who are working on creating policies for the global betterment and sustain life in the planet earth. The problems like melting of arctic ice, reduction of amazon rainforest, destruction of ecosystem in various, extinction of wild animals, disappearance of - once abundant fishes in the oceans, hardly spot

Developed World - a real oxymoron!

"The philosophies of the West and East had clashed from time immemorial. It would have been a treat for eyes and ears if we ever got to watch a clash of words between Socrates, Plato and Aristotle on one side versus Confucius, Buddha and Lao Tzu on other without worrying about the differences they would have among them within the East and West assemblage. A dream of every student of reason which would be played and replayed without worrying about the outcome.    The heritage of difference of thoughts and ideologies are deeply linked to much more than the religious or cultural boundaries which modern day deep thinkers and historians had ever penned.  "A nation is a community of people formed on the basis of a combination of shared features such as language, history, ethnicity, culture and/or territory."  A close neutral observance of the people's behavior, mindset and culture which obviously is the foundation of the nation itself gives us an insight into the philosoph

We vs We - Home and Away

To start with the brain drain phenomenon had been something most Indian and Chinese boys and girls had written tons of essays on. The best of them grow up to study abroad and settle far from their homeland. Now this cannot be considered as brain drain it needs to be categorised as academic advancement. Alarming numbers are coming out from various studies which shows majority of the youth wants to settle in other countries than where they are born. This also can be understood as a global citizen concept which allows mobility across the planet earth.  Most men and women in their 30s who missed the first bus to settle abroad in their 20s are either waiting for the next bus to Europe or America or partly upset on their inability to move due to the commitments back home as in taking care of old and ailing parents. This blog has no intent to stress any negativity on people who had made the choice and in turn appreciates the ones that understood the importance of having inflation proof invest