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Welcome home $$$$

From the world of "work is worship!" and "quality is the pride of workmanship", to all I want is $$$$. This has been quite a transformation that our little world had gone through ever since the uninvited arrival of COVID-19 pandemic. 

I can imagine many faces that is already covered with frown reading my above statement. Often getting mistaken as judgmental or too eager to deduce something without concrete facts laid out. How much ever I would like not to disappoint you, I am afraid I might end up doing the thoroughly anticipated act of disappointing you. 

What do we need to build a career? Is it a combination of money, position, role, consistent growth, vision, mentoring and future prospects? Or just money? The world has come to a state where we believe its just money that matters and rest all will come along with that. We have learned innumerous moral stories which teaches us what is need and how different it is with greed. 

As we grew older we have also learned that your savings and investments should fetch more than the inflation. Later we came to know that owning a property of our own is the ultimate goal in life. And if in case we own multiple, very much sets you high up the ladder which decides the SUCCESS in life. 

The tyrant world with the help of Hollywood Crime dramas has kind of taught us, MONEY is POWER is RESPECT. And more money is more respect due to the mathematical formulas available proving the logical reasoning theories. 

The average middle class sees all the rich as greedy and categorize ourselves and our needs as needy. The average poor class(if at all that exists), categorize themselves as needy and middle class as greedy. We hardly appreciate what we have and is very much acclimatized to speaking about what we don't have. Lack of money is considered the root of evil and with too much money we can run the evil world!

How much is too much is the question which is left unanswered where our own life philosophies start getting more questioned. This is often related to the type and level of morality, ethics and other finer aspects of human life. 

In current world, where people leave a job only for more money is readily justified with the bad government policies, unforeseen risks that life posses, the threats that pandemic brings, And also what our peer draws for a living from his/her employment. We all want to earn money so that cash is limitless and all our potential risks are mitigated with a swollen wallet. This is the positive side of looking at it. 

Interestingly most of the world needs more money for a different reason. Naming a few - to pay for a loan which they took beyond their capacity, to become eligible to take a higher housing loan, to save or invest, to make a statement in the society and interestingly to be what somebody is today. Yes, we do consider it as growth in life too which makes it even more difficult to ignore doing.

One interesting aspect which is to be looked at is, what is the amount we are investing for our future in the form of financial products and bank accounts. Often we might be of the impression that the next job and higher pay is going to leave us with a surplus which will help us achieve all those which we couldn't do and above all - Invest!  

The truth is we end up realizing that this time too there is no money left post all expenses and our credit levels had reached an all time high too. The simplest solution to this problem is save or invest a proportion of your earnings irrespective of the total amount at hand what it is. As we all figured out, no money is enough money and there is nothing like too much money :). And start early! 

Patience is a key ingredient when it comes to building health, wealth and career. Patience has a direct relation to tenure too. The amount of time you are ready to spare in a workout, financial instrument and the job at hand has a direct correlation to the growth your fitness, wealth and/or career one can have. Obviously its wise to understand that the investment is on the right product. However that is a decision we make before we jump into the action. The difference that is observed in today's world is that decision is made first and every Month we re-evaluate the gain. It doesn't matter whether market goes up or down, our returns should go up only. We have somewhere lost the patience, maybe due to the over availability of everything on our fingertips with the help of mobile phones or ease of credit lines waiting to make us fall into it. 

There are products like term life insurance which is up to 100Years which can kill our worry of making a fortune for our next generation or family and concentrate on our well being. There is a reverse mortgage product if we are left with our only property and thankless next generation. There are health insurances available to cover up to Rs.1,00,00,000 INR and more for very less premium. It all can be advantageous to only one set of people, the ones who starts doing it when they are much younger.  But unfortunately we are busy saving up our pennies in the bank accounts or fixed deposits which hardly makes it grow. We are totally impatient when it comes to the growth of our investments but ready to try out every shortcut which ends up in loss. Still nothing deters us from doing the same mistake again. You only need less money to make more money if you start young and retire well. Use your energy to build such a portfolio that your existence is not related to your job. You do the job for your passion and let money work for you as you get older!

We all agree that all days are not equal and life has good, bad and now the greater evil. Why we make more negative decisions when we are in low spirits and encourage our mind to run the show to invite depression? Why every problem in life is a result of a test and embodiment of a failure or success? Why are we not ready to learn from other peoples problem and adapt ourselves for greater success? Why the word constructive feedback is misread as criticism? Why do we need to be too critical to ourselves and demotivate us from progressing? It all relates to the lower tolerance we have created to our fellow citizens, colleagues, neighbors, family and other animals. We are a bunch of animals who have taken over the world where our birds and umpteen other animals live, drawn the boundary and decided its ours with our ownership documents. This gives us the right to abuse and disregard the wider population on everything we think is ours. For some reason, the bounded thought of physical boundaries and social boundaries contribute to the constriction in a person's growth. 

Humans are in continuous lookout for stability. We want people, property, religion and character that marks us and are with us through out our life. The job that gives our people us and our image, the job which contributes in building the property, the religion which blooms with donations from our jobs, and the character build in this materialistic world are all the result of a unstable job. Why not work on bringing some stability to it? And build a long term goal and not stop until it is fulfilled? Why is job just a tool for luxury and not an element in ones character building compound? Doesn't job and respect in job mean much more than the salary it fetches? How long we will look for destabilizing our life with uncertainties when this one aspect can be controlled continuously with masterful performance beating our own previous records? 

We as humans are limitless and our possibilities are limitless. Irrespective of your belief in soul, believe in people and respect their genuine efforts for you. Retire your life building a den for yourself and not being a monkey jumping from one tree to another often relating your failure to climb a tree, as tree's problem!


  1. What you wrote is right. When it comes to comparing ourselves with others, the grass is always greener on the other side.
    What we need to teach our kids is to be happy and enjoy our live as it is.

  2. All you wrote is correct...but all needs to be happy with what they have....also with some more aims then only achieve anything.

  3. Thanks for writing on this topic.

    Often we plan a lot for the future, when all we have is just the present moment. Everything we have to do is in the present, hence being happy in the present becomes very important. enjoying your present state whether it is your job or financial status or the situation at your hand (dont want to call any thing as problem) will naturally bring happiness and opportunities and in turn takes to the places you craved for. I really liked the core message of the article - which i understood as "dont just run behind money it i will be a never ending run they take the life away from you, there are so many subtle dimensions of life which are missed in this rush"

  4. I agree with the above points. Very well composed.


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