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Time - it's time when its time!

The loss of power on the last standing bulb, marked the fall of a big banyan tree finally after four hundred years of toil on the only transformer in the area. The spies of Kala(the God Of Death) were hunting to collect the souls before the dawn to please their always upset master. They were successful in gathering all those lost souls, the escaped souls and dead souls, but there he lied on his bed denying those who came asking for the only part left in his body - The Soul....

The arrival of sun brought joy to his otherwise devastated mind, the dearth of the people who liked him and the scarcity of nourishment never curbed his desire to live. As the sages and ages say, he lived to see another day which marked a unmarked achievement in his diary which has not seen pen for a year or so, when he last could move him currently numb fingers.

He lived his life to write the thoughts and glory of the contemporary maniacs who ruled the era. The life well lived in motion chasing dreams and creams of everything was now lying in his bed for an year day dreaming how the end of his life would be a beginning of a new world of possibilities for his soul. The atheist in him and the knowledge of science in him always disagreed with the rebirth thought but the hazy intellect and the brumous veins rushing blood to his gray matter had started to make him believe everything which was unbelievable with a body in motion.

The sound of his Alsatian Rudy reverberated the house every now and then, which prevent the vast majority of his neighborhood and likes of his triumphant colleagues from bringing their breath into the stagnant air filled with stink of nature with no fresh air able to creep in to through the locked wooden windows. The maid who came twice a day ensured he was fed twice and cleaned once which was a mandate from his kids who were busy making their mark in the world of fantasy, collecting the bills which they called currency hoping a beautiful future. 

The life that is filled in him never allowed him to give up which he had learned during his tough childhood fighting the streets of his tiny village of a hometown. The days of great depression followed his childhood to the days of television and internet. He had learned it all, mastered it but lacked the gratitude to his masters who were well learned. He was unfaithful to his servants and masters alike as he chose the track of truth which only led to death be it slow or sudden, it was inevitable as in the case of all but for him it was definite. The wrinkles had stopped showing up as the skin had stopped complaining, the blood clots on the faces were evident in his otherwise dark skin tone. The sharp nose of his that helped him smell trouble from far was now only an adjective in his epilogue. He could scantly remember the jokes of his never graying hair from his jealous colleagues while the thoughts chose to waver on his hope evidently making attempts in vain.

During the Corps D'elite times, the world drooled over his ideas and thoughts. There were many who made it their gospel and quite a few who made journals linking his life to theirs. But today he lied there alive all alone, lying down waiting for the call. Not of the soul searchers but his beloved son who never knew the wait was soon to get over. The faith in the earliest dogmas of mankind and the trust of a Alsatian that he groomed gave him hope and belief that his son would never forget him. He had waited for a year for his visit before giving up his body. 

The usual soul hunters were doing their infinitesimal business during the wee hours of the day before marking the close of play. They had often overlooked him or at times gave up fighting him to gather his soul which was enriched with the intellect of a millennium that he was alive and which never left the earth to upload it back to the master of souls whom they called - The Brahman...

Today they heard a litany of achievements which he was repeating to himself to stay alive and proud while waiting for that ring. Be it the accomplishments or be it the ego, they had decided to convince him to depart and return to base. The foyer of the house had started to fill in with the otherwise reluctant neighbors. The phone which was waiting forever to be used next to him for that was now used by kids half of his son's age. They were all busy talking, some making those favorite black tea of his and many glancing through the books he wrote and his achievements. 

The television which was last used when his son was a ten was finally showing some colors of present time and it all filled with the propaganda's which he worshiped for a hefty sum in his banks. He could see his picture with the blurry eyes and the memories from his childhood friends who he never knew existed as he has never heard from them in this century which marked a new life for him in a new place with his family. 

He could finally hear his son weep sitting next to him, while he tried to console the son and express the wait he had to see him. He made complaints after complaints of his naughty disobedient canine partner Rudy who was now locked down in the attic from where he could hear his bark resonating the house. The eyes were getting filled with the dry tears of triumph. The chest had started to release the choking which had clouded it for an year or so. Finally he could feel fresh breeze in his nostrils rushing through to eternity. His son never seems to be listening to his words which had become the norm from childhood. The memories of his son's childhood was flashing through him in flash as a dream. He couldn't justify himself why all his sweethearts of younger days and his lovely mom came together to pay him a visit at this hour. His mom was running after him to bathe him while he was hiding under the bed, And by the time he came out of the bed the power had gone again this time with no help from the tree. This terrified and rattled him but this time the power was gone forever. I was standing there next to him calling him to join me for my puny jokes. But he had left me while I was watching him finally make his move to his abode.

The life had come to an end and I believed what he believed that it was only a new beginning, wishing to meet him again when I recognize him but he turns a blind eye on me as the memory is once again refreshed in his new life with new body and face....


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