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Finally 2020, Nation's Appraisal meeting - Part I

From time eternal India had been a trading post and resource rich country. There had been always wealth getting exchanged and the fortunes changed on our green shores. In current world when India finally reaches Abdul Kalam's 2020, where do we stand other than all the political gimmicks that we see now?

Are we really heading to the intolerance that once Amir Khan tried to warn us with? Are we concentrating on the right issues and engagements? Or as someone said, we are a beauty in the middle of all the chaos? 

As the trade stories narrates us in various forums, we had been a fast paced society from the BC to AD. There had been in-numerous changes to the landscape of life while the tectonic plates are busy crashing and pushing the eurosian plates, we have went ahead with our lives unaware of the geography beneath where we stand.

While this point seems irrelevant at the point to all the readers, we need to be wary of the unawareness to the world around us while we worry about the religion, cast and creed. For many of us who are new to the world of history, history just means last 1000 Years maximum, before that we just don't care.

India was always influenced by the rulers who came from various parts of the world. We had often overlooked the fact that if the kings of India were not to give up their kingdoms for whatever they were promised, there is no India today. The boundaries we are defending is also constantly expanding and contracting through centuries and millenniums.

While the growth of our nations boundaries are never ending as the socialist speakers say, our mental capabilities to absorb the change has been limited. When we spend our hard earned brain cells on fighting each other and trying to make our fellow men's life inconvenient and uncomfortable, many souls attain their salvation.

Today when we look around us and sees the westernization or urbanization or growth whatever we call it, do you also think whether we are able to handle it? Even the best of western world doesn't touch their country side and force it to mimic the city for the want of clean water, fresh air and a relaxed life to live. Here in our country, our idea of modernization seems to be converting every village to a town and each town to a city. Is this a sustainable model? Isn't it time to rethink this and put a halt before it tears down the maps of India?

Our civic sense has hit a all time low when it comes to taking care of our country. We hardly care about our society and people around us. Life has got inside ourselves to make it all about us we and our family. The social boundaries has kept it clear that any business beyond it is not your family business. When the spirituality of this world, teaches openness and love beyond boundaries. We love to be bounded and limit the spirituality to religions. 

Did I touch a sensitive topic here? Is religion really spiritual? I will let you figure out that and not dwell deep into it for today. We need to work out a master plan for our life which is engaging, knowledge enriching, self-critical and highly receptive. Keep aside the various other boundaries that the world tries to put on your head as no one really wants you to live your life but be part of some political parties national propaganda always. 

A normal citizen wakes up to be corrupted with thoughts fed by the propaganda filled newspapers or funded news channels or those apps which only working to make money, then struggles hard to get ready on time as either the power shut downs before your get ready for the day or water stops. This Mr.X who just woke up is still worried about the world outside where some minister is meeting someone or a religious leader is conducting a massive crowd puller function. Once he resumes his morning chores, he can't be assured of a cooking gas supply if it goes off, but he curses his fate. Rest of the day seems no different than the start he gets. While its not all about the external aspects, he himself is busy cutting those signals, rushing through the left of the other drivers, coming wrong side and calling it cool, dumping waste on the road be it natural or unnatural, urinating in public, wreaking havoc wherever possible all the while cursing the system and trying to retrieve the tax that we paid in all these forms. 

Relax and take a deep breath, wake up to realize that this yoga class or meditation or paid erratic foreign dancing is not going to make life any better in reality. Many of these are tricks played by hormones in our body when we perform these actions. Yes, it is the belief which cures at times not the real medicine. With such a poor air quality, whatever indoor meditation we do, our lungs is going to be destructed. With the uneven roads and poor quality vehicles, our bones and muscles are going to be shattered whatever our yoga and dances help. If we really have to pay that cash to drink good water in this country, what good can any of the other forms do to you?

We still do everything we can with the belief of a better tomorrow. A good enough unplanned visitor in the form of a cancer or any other disease is enough to derail the entire life and put it to trash. This is exactly what life is, worth living and dying for as our ancestors did quite efficiently with no better achievement than making us and maybe some wealth in land or money. We are too in the rush for money, land and other blessings of life, forgetting the fact that we never carry any of these to next life or heaven or hell(for believers only).

What is our contribution to the society and this country other than separating ourselves between us with religion, cast, color, north-south, east-west, poor-rich, tall-short and what not? Do we really deserve any better than all the inefficiencies that the country has bestowed upon us which we embrace with both hands under the false pride of nationality? Is nationality only about the boundary and military? Isn't it also about to show the world how this country is great by our actions? Why our actions are only limited to those government and political parties? Why isn't it our actions too?

Do not consider it as a ramblings of a citizen but food for thought!
There are many things that we need to do right in our life than expecting any political party and government to do for us. 

More on it to follow while the appraisal meeting continues...


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