Current world success is closely linked to the rise in the social strata along with the adherence to the staunch belief in the economic system the world engages us in. A nihilist has no space in the world which is stitched by the thread of religion with the cloth of economy already dyed with the color of ethos.
A social order is to be followed by the masses for the benefit of a larger cause named peace. Can there be peace without social order? Why can't there be peace? Who decides what makes you a complete man in this tiny drop of a planet within this cosmos? Is it really Raymonds?
Every society has decided what man should do and strive for within their boundaries which has given man the larger boundary of attaining those goals that his ancestors and many a common man and those rich neighborhood has achieved? The whole life of many a men is lost on this goal that someone has decided that will make him successful. The pressure is immense to meet these as the judge is not just you but the whole society and family in this regard.
Learned and intelligent men had acknowledged that the sanity is only in achieving these goals which sums up to a rich large mansion house, a large limousine and a rare collection of shiny rare metals and gems. The finer aspects of life is to be only enjoyed in a movie or during a vacation in a faraway wander-land. The sizes and count of these materialistic collectibles decide the stage of success every man is at.
As the blog name suggests, I don't want to sound Utopian in my thoughts but is it fair to limit our life to the goals given?
Can we have a life where we understand the economics behind these economies of life? A property whose value is decided by the government and military situations, a limo which has a life with a never appreciated depreciation, and a jewel which can become just another stone once the demand is gone?
We don't need to look farther to Alexander but our own ancestors, what they made with achieving social target? Who defines our quality of life? - Is it people, society, our properties, or we? We can live as a debtor whole life indebted to those banks which bank on our money and our desire to accumulate debt versus real wealth. Or we can live our life investing on other peoples misery and making a better world for us and people around us.
When man itself is temporary in this world, what value his belongings has? Our real value is only seen when we leave this world and join the eagles and stars beyond the blue carpet above our head. The deeds, the words, the life, the change, the difference that we made during our short and negligible stay in the millions of years of planet. (At the moment note considering rebirth and karma for a change).
The social comparisons have moved from the word of mouth to the social networking sites, the peeping has moved from the prowling eyes to the high megapixel cameras with telephoto zoom, the eavesdropping has moved from ear of walls to the transmitter and mic, and all these devices has moved on and started living right inside our phones. Isn't it time to realize that is it far better to live in a world created out of mental peace, and social welfare than be engaged in the fantasy worlds created by our phones? Can we start thinking of higher goals in life? If too much of food leads to indigestion and obesity, if too much of apparels leads to confusion in choices and wastage of brain energy in selection and maintenance and too much of property leads to our own people killing each other for its share? When will we stop being led by somebody else's goal in this planet? When will we start living our lives? When will we appreciate the scent of morning fresh air? The soothing heat of sun?
I wish the world realize sooner or later that the quality of life is what we define by our character and teach our younger generations without complying to morality and ethics from some one else. The richness of life is the wealth we accumulate in the hearts of our people and acquaintances in the form of memories without the boundaries of blood relations. The value of life is the maximum within the sum of losses incurred by every body that matters to us without considering those negative numbers for whom we never mattered!
Let's not worry but just live and let live!
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Thanks for reading...happy that I got your time...all your comments are valuable for me.