Hinduism by some means has taught us the idea of wealth goddess being treated as the one who serves the guy who creates maya. A wife is to be treated as the Lakshmi(Goddess of wealth).
In the metaphysical affianced directions, it is explained that the wife is expected to teach the man(so called husband), the importance of wealth to setup a family and future.
In some other contexts, it is revealed that man had learned to overcome death by reproduction. The genetics suggests that future generations has we in them already.
The Christian world has taught the discipline of being devoted to work and where it takes man in the rebuild of the Europe and other countries as we see it from where it was five centuries ago.
Can we equate wealth to materialism? Is it that simple? If yes, then why are we trying to go away from it? Why are we trying to distance the soul and the body from it? What makes us feel that materialism is not cool?
If a straight no, then does it even matter to the quotidian lives of common man? Let's a have a quick look on some directions we could traverse but not any dogma. By the way, do we owe world and God one more of it? Not anymore from us.
Many who searches for answers and mystical lives around us, knows that there is really no end to it and nothing that confides in us the comprehensiveness of it. Do we really need to search? Are we really complicating it?
What is the answer that we are looking for which we think will satisfy us?
The atheist is looking for the concrete corroborating theories which ridicules the existence of the belief in God not forgetting that God can exist.
The believer looking for the directions from prescribed religious texts for each belief system to show him the path to salvation. And then reach God and make merry with God and his men/women.
The karma guy busy with his accumulation of karma points and karma wealth from the world around him with a thought of redeeming it in some point.
The yoga intellectualize the oneness of the body and soul. And yes, it sells well too. People often finding it as a short cut to reach stimulate the intellect and gain yogic wisdom from mere wishdom(non existent word as the action).
And much more that we could list down in this little blog. Do we actually need to complicate our mind with all these directions and wait for any answers? Nothing could satisfy us until it is the answer that we want to hear.
Try talking to an atheist justifying God and his marvels, and on another day try the same with a karma guy wasting his time and money on others. Both would come hard on you except the meditation specialist whom we expect to be super calm.
It is believed that Buddha once said, the answers are within you, you have to find them. Look inward! But isn't a reality that the answers are really in us and we are just waiting for theories to prove them or evidences to solidify it? Then why do the drama of search but live life happily?
Great men had lived and died, and many died without themselves identifying their greatness and often talked about after death. All have their own paths but what glorifies many are not their knowledge of the subject of mind but the humbleness in learning until they die and agreeing to it.
Are we in a system where all around us, we see a new bounded veda and bible in a digestible format often claimed to be invented and less discovered? Why are we buying into all these capsule formed doctrines when we know what we have to find is the proof to the answer we have already written?
Some form of Hinduism teaches men to be the four stages of life being brahmacharya a.k.a student, grihasta a.k.a householder, vanaprasta a.k.a retirement and sanyasa a.k.a renunciate.
To explain more, all are students when we are young by learning with single step we take, a householder doesn't mean married man by dictionary but one who owns or rents a place - aren't we really renting our place in earth while here?
The retirement is inevitable as the time comes be it from work or other factions of life. The sanyasa is just the natural progression from retirement as the body is left behind by soul anyways. Then why we want to confuse ourselves?
Why can't all the interpretations of the great texts be fallacious as much as you believe mine and your thoughts are? Do we really need any answer when we are to believe that all we have to do is, find a track and progress as what we do in college?
Don't you think the life of man in this earth also expects him to believe in a system and doctrine and believe it until he perishes? Be it atheistic or non-atheistic? Aren't we all really believers of something? Aren't we believing what we think we believe?
We earn wealth be it knowledge, money, property by living in this world. Often we lose what we earn and but not the knowledge we earn, which transforms into much better forms within our grey cells. Why would we classify the money to wealth and not knowledge to wealth?
Who funds all the propaganda if money is really that bad? How it propagates to mind and soul? Can it exist in today's so called materialistic world with no money? A bankrupt nation with ailing religion is not marketable as much as a prosperous nation with budding religion or school of thought.
Isn't the materialism that running the world which we have accepted with the Lakshmi at home? The lady who teaches man how to save for future and generations coming. Giving hope that life doesn't end with you and your soul needs to travel and find a body in future.
If no such goddess exist, what will this soul do when it comes back again and again until you attain the real, I mean it...God Damn Real...salvation?
Soul needs materialism and world needs materialism...it is just a matter of acceptance and surrendering to the eternal truth of living the life to your fullest is all that matters.
Note: Only read if you believe in re-birth or any school of thought. If not, please add on to the blog since we have scope for more school of thoughts as ours is a country which has always welcomed thoughts on original religious ideas.
Also suggest to read Who are we?
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