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Kerala - a land of mysteries

Kerala a state in India with Arabian sea on onside, western ghats on the other side, filled with backwaters in the center, where every water channel reaches the sea from east to west is really a unique place. It is often called Gods own country. In present world, it presents us with the most peaceful territory where you find many religions - hindu, christian, islam, sikh, jain, jew, parsi, buddhist and others living in Harmony in India with complete cultural freedom. It once boasted of being the sea trade hub of this subcontinent. It won't be an exaggeration to say that all people from this very land pride themselves from being associated with Kerala.

Few centuries back, the colonials fought among themselves to get a hold of its wealth and share. One of the territories where the British didn't completely establish themselves as Arabs, Chinese, Portugese, Dutch, French and many more imperialists had already marked Kerala, in their Asian maps. This is also the place where Columbus once tried to reach before discovering the old America.

In recent years, the trade contracts from Kerala to Italian merchants were discovered which kind off reiterated the wealth it possessed once - the black gold. People from Kerala are called malayalees. The malayalees had grown their taste for gold and silk through trade from time unknown. The goods were exchanged in gold or silk or porcelain which made it a wealthy land, full of merchants.

Malayalees also had immense affinity to anything foreign including religions and food which is reflected in the vast conversions and food culture. Many of the famous Kerala dishes are a spick improvisations of Portugese and other western food. There are stories that malayalees are born foodies and very daring to try any kind of food which can't be wrong consider the taste buds developed over an upbringing in Kerala. Kerala also has produced long list of sea farers from distant past to sysdate. It is filled with sea food, fresh water fishes, long list of meat including beef, pork, frog, crane, crow, chicken, mutton and what not!

Kerala promotes its own form of dance forms in Kathakali, mohiniattam, theeyam, ottamthullal, martial arts as in Kalari, boat races in the backwaters, medicine with world renowned Ayurveda which was born in Gods own country with the direction from Gods own men. People who are mostly multi-lingual, prone to intellectual thoughts, highly critical and fearless in expressing their beliefs, communism or socilalist sided mindset and self proclaimed brilliance.  

We would glance through legends and myths and certain interesting inferences. This blog aims at no claims but a thought that could trigger a discussion from a logical standpoint.

Kerala is born from a land reclaimed from Arabian sea. This is said to be done by Parashuram one of the avatars of Vishnu. It is believed that he had thrown an axe to trigger the process. The interest of creation such a land is unknown for now but seems an interesting story on the creation. This shows the connection to Vishnu and Hindu history. Why would God do that? We don't know at the moment.

On the other hand, there are stories that it was ruled by as asura king who was the best one could find in this planet during his time. Vishnu himself took to the birth of his avatar Vamana to end the story for this great king Mahabali. This is a legend related to Onam which shows that there could be a king who was not really godly but people loved him for his good deeds which was incomparable. Now let's not wonder why Kerala people always has this liking to asura kings which they still follow.

The birth of Ayyappa another interesting character in Hindu stories, also happens in Kerala to kill demoness Mahishi. Mahishi was working hard to avenge the death of her asura(demon) brother. This is another incident which depicts the presence of asuras in Kerala. It needs to be noted that in various stories of Hindu mythology, Kerala had possessed various asuras who were more worthy than the godly folks. This later led to deceit used by Gods to destroy the asuras to conquer and establish their clans. People had always loved these asuras even though they had immense respect for God and his men alike.

In Kerala there is just enough space for good and bad alike that nothing is given a cold shoulder. There is a huge presence of devi worship which was from time eternal one of the closest to asuras in the form of Kali and Durga and their regional personal god forms.

Recent studies had rediscovered that Periyar river had changed its path engulfing a huge amount of shore lands during the course. This could happen again and can affect in the decline of the culture. Man has no say in such acts of mother nature but has the responsibility to presence the history for the use of future generations. There are numerous instances in the way Kerala celebrates festivals which shows it is either comparatively new place which never existed until recent past. Or it just had totally different beliefs than the whole of India. The festivals which is celebrated in common about the hindu traditions are not found in Kerala either because of varied cultural heritage or just that it was never part of malayalees life. Only closest festival we could get is ayuda pooja which also might be celebrated  due to the presence of kalari across the modern day kerala state.

Why we don't find legends from Ramayana relating the reclaimed land when it passes through all the corners of nearby states? We could find debatable references in Mahabharatha about Kerala kingdom participating in Kurushetra on Pandava side. Kerala had close relation to Sage Agastya who was the son of Mitra and Varuna. Before Indra, it is good to be noted that Varuna was considered the king of Gods. Maybe this change had its impact in the way Kerala continued its belief and devotion.Both Varuna and Mitra are classified as asuras in Rig Veda.Varuna was king of asuras(sea god) but was converted to Deva to be made the king of Gods. It could be due to the strengths and qualities he possess, but later he was demoted and Indra took over the king of Gods crown. This also shows Kerala's relation to the asuras which need to be studied further. Asuras were also very good in art forms and martial arts which could be related to the growth of martial arts and dance forms in Kerala which is practiced in every other household in some areas.

We need to dive deep and think about why Kerala don't celebrate the festivals related to victory of God over asuras, for e.g. Diwali and others, in this part of the world? Is it because Keralites were really the asuras which God always had to deal with and were kept of their toes? Did Parashuram create a separate land so rich by all means for colonizing asuras or giving them there own space? Diwali not celebrated, no real hindu festival celebrated except Pooja which is bit more common maybe ayuda pooja for kalari. On the contrary the biggest festival celebrated in Kerala, is in the memory of the return of asura king Mahabali called Onam. It could also be due to birth of Kerala being very recent or it has no significance to previously existent culture. The language seems to be refined from Tamil in many ways not owing its existence to Sanskrit itself. The movement of people from north and advent of Sanskrit which followed these man movements, has led to the present form of life and worship in many ways. Consider it a first attempt of such a thought and it obviously needs more work and meat(not holy of-course) for the curious minds. Lets consider it for now a food for thought!


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