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Who are we?

A subject which we have heard from time eternal, which troubled great intellects, a topic which quizzed the more inquisitive minds. Some say they got the answers through spirituality, some through self-realization, and certain others through some other ways. Often termed as one of the most brilliant of all questions that people strive hard to make themselves question, "who are we?". Is it really worth it?

Almost most of the graced ones had been humbled by the realization that they decided to serve the world.
If it is really about serving the world and spreading the word, which is the outcome, should we wait for the question to arise? Why not work on the outcome straight away without even worrying about the search?

As noticed in certain lives, spirituality becomes a way of life and at times for some a track never to return.
Why people refrain from a step back and return to normal lives? The fear of society and acceptance of failure can often stop you. Why we think it is only through meditation or attention we can become better? Maybe not as some saints pointed out there are other ways of doing it too. All reaches the same goal and same destination. Then why worry about the paths?

Why most lives turn to India when it comes to such matters for the answers? Is it due to the track record of solving such mysteries over and over again. Straight from vedas, to modern day teachings, to meditation, to yoga and much more, why is it always India? What is really our rich and varied heritage? Is it what we boast of in public or the subject we often shy away from discussing in bold? To accept the fact that, we still believe in God? Has anything changed through these generations other than this fear?

We question that which we don't understand, and we decide not to believe which others can't explain us convincingly. We say in one hand that the answers for all your questions are within you and still try to justify that mind works based on the data it has collected previously. Intuitions are the collection of computations based on the available data, mined to perfection. It gets sharper and thorough as we learn to mine our mind.

A study of life says, to understand who you are, you just needs to keep asking yourself the question. But how long? Maybe years or until death and still fail to get any sort of ping back. Why would someone do that? Because it is considered as the ultimate goal. And who decided it is the ultimate? Same bunch who
cannot provide a convincing answer, why to believe and why not! Sometimes I feel the most staunch believers who had most of their questions clarified or who never dared to test. Others are called followers for a reason.

Certain others, suggests to keep trying to find it outside the premise of mind and heart. And where to look for? It is outside! Can it get more vague? Maybe not! But we still pursue it. Spirituality suggests certain aspects which religion enhances. Religion suggests certain methods which rituals personifies. Considering it as an hierarchy, the way of execution for the answers depends on the level of placement of our soul in the

Why is often vegetarianism interlinked with spirituality? It is quoted in vedas and where'not that great masters where all meat mongers. But for some reason, religion doesn't sell well if linked to meat eating in India. I recently noticed that there are studies and advices from experts that, while someone is at the lowest plane of spiritual seeking, it is best to be a vegetarian and higher planes supports 24/7 support for non-vegetariansim.
And once again who sets these ground rules? It is from the same sect which does all the other things which are questioned by the contemporary pseudo intellects.

The non-materialistic idealist for some reason cribs about the personal money mints that the materialists carry but forgets the fact that, world needs both without any divide. Why we are after money when we really don't know who we are? Who told us it is money that is decider of your fate? The same society which cannot answer the questions which we carry to our graves? Then why listen to them only when it comes to being materialistic? Just because of the momentary satisfaction it could give us. This same satisfaction could be the actual goal which we often mistake as who are we?

It maynot really matter to the world who you are as much as to you in most cases. What really matters is are you living your life to the fullest? Are you happy? This is the question which, we need to ask in the current modern world to survive, strive and reach those spiritual shores without worrying too much about the paths which once upon a time, a religion or faith could have provided us.

The message on this independence day is to push yourself out from the little box which you carry named society, being ethical and civilized while enjoying your life to reach those short goals which you have. Also to consider the fact that actual freedom is not in liberty, constitution or democracy but the power to free your mind from those ill thoughts and desires which is not good for you and identify what makes your most happy! Rest all will fall in place for your everlasting fear(society) when it is time or else let's wait for Krishna/Jesus/Allah to come again, clean it for us once again while we confess to them we failed them.

Wishing you a free and independent mind!


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