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Another Day - but different today

Every day is a special day if you apprehend the fact that we have lived to see another day in our life. We seldom worry about this as the saying goes “As long as it runs, let it run”. Now this applies to electronic devices including our daily partner cell phones, trusted time keeper – the wrist watch and similar beings. Are we living the moment? Are we living life to the fullest? Have we really thought what we have to do with this gift of our parents called, life which at times are incidental?

As with other things, we might have had hundred different plans which occur to be obsolete when we retrospect. I thought of discussing the feeling of nakedness when we are away from these time keepers and connecting partners. Ease of the most difficult thing when we actually do it would be another point to ponder. As quoted by one of my close friend over email, it is unlike me when I forgot my mobile at home. It is unlike anybody we could find in current world. Whatever happens, most of us tend to go back home to grab the piece of pride in the form of iMobiles and Sx. When this happened to me today, I could have very well returned home and mimicked the world, but something actually stopped me from doing that. That very thing is the thirst to enjoy the moment and live life fuller at least today.

Many of my readers may feel that I am exaggerating the living life fuller part as we all agree on the importance of safekeeping, that phone tight in our pockets or in meaty grips between the fingers. Once I reached office, the first thing I did was to write to my frequent callers, that I have missed to take that piece of intellect and manufacturing marvel from the fruit company. As expected most of my friends chose not to reply to such an email which made me assume they now know that they can’t reach me. Now as a next step, I added my office phone and extension to be reached in case something needs my attention. Next thing was to call my family and share my contact details at work which can be used if they need to connect with me. It might not come as a surprise to see that I received just one call of that sort or any kind from my soul mate. Recently I was of the opinion that I have become so smart that I cannot live without a smart phone.

Today while smart phone was away, I do admit that I missed my lunch buddy as I browse through different soccer news and other interesting reads during this hour. The constant whatsapp ping and whereabouts sharing of dear ones are missed. But now my world need to know that I am reminded of “me”, at these times I thought more about how easy it is actually to live without a phone which is smarter than you in many ways. From my late college days, ever since I had been gifted with mobile phones, I felt it to be an indispensible part of me.

I abstain from using the word disturbed as it is always a pleasant disturbance to have between works at times. But this absence doesn’t show that the world is very different without it but it is just that we ourselves are very different and sees the world differently, in a more admiring manner. It should also be noted that we are in touch with many who might even want out company. This smart phone makes it so easy that the pestering is often seen as constant care for many. I need not worry about tracking the calls, messages, responding to them, adding to another layer of responsibilities during already crowded work load and tiring schedules.

You might need your phone while you are away from work and can’t be reached by any means for the safety of you and your family. But for a daily work diet and at work, it does not look like a recommended companion unless you feel your work is uninteresting and can’t keep you occupied. This is blurting from a single days experience which could be too early to write but still worth a thought.

It can be argued that I can still browse through or erstwhile famous phrase ‘surf the net’ using my office laptop. This does have its limitations as most sites are blocked and from an ethical standpoint some might refrain from using for wide personal requirements while at work.

Sometimes we need to break our habits and go off the record to see the flip side. Even after my humble attempt at writing this experience, I know I have not done enough justice to the feeling. Hence, I acclaim that we all need to experience this solidarity and nakedness at least once a week during a work day. Not advised for people whose work requires personal phone use or carrying a mobile phone.

From time eternity man had been interested in studying the sky which is also related to time. We have seen or heard of large time keeping machines to the tiny wrist watches. I have to admit that I am fond of watches and have five watches in possession which could be worn on different occasions but most of my friends would have only noticed two of my favorite ones. Interestingly today along with my cellphone, I happen to forget my watch too which invites this severe extension of my blog. I always felt watch is something inevitable to be around and handy as I am at times very strict at my schedule. Even though at times some of my close friends test my patience by making me wait for hours which I could easily forgive as they have other important things in life than my time. I was kind of sure that I could live easily without a mobile somehow, but less watch, it would be difficult.

I kept postponing my lunch as usual to late hours of afternoon to get a free environment, empty stalls, and fewer crowds which helps in peaceful lunch & often helps indulging in my thoughts without hindrance or ‘surf the net’ without having to free your seat to another hungry soul eagerly waiting for you to finish your lunch. It was around 2:05 p.m. that I got an urgent meeting invite which spanned from 2:30 p.m. to 3:00 p.m. which was my favorite time for lunch for the above-said reasons. I didn’t want to hold back until 3:00 p.m. for lunch as I have had an early light breakfast today which was again unlike me.

This forced me to go for the lunch the moment I noted the meeting time in my mental clock which ticks loudly in its silence. This clock had been with me ever since I am born but the strange part of this clock is it runs only when I am awake and requires a reset every now and then like the old keyed mechanical watches. This time I aligned my mental clock to my computer and set off for lunch. I could complete my lunch and some chocolates and return back at 2:30 p.m. sharp for the meeting back at my desk all without even having to constantly look at my watch or mobile for a time update. The mental trauma and pressure the constant time checks, sparing follow-up calls and reminders could bring are happily missed. I feel that these things amuses me as I see that our mental clock could be fine tuned to be used efficiently and effectively if we desired to do so. I know that it may not be able to train to work for hours together like our battery operated or solar wrist watches.

Something makes me feel that we can surely use it every now and then whenever required. Our over dependence on these modern tools are making our brain live longer due to lesser requirement to think, time, store & gather compared with our forefathers. But at the same time these modern tools adds that lazy bit to your life that you no more want to use your brain for what it is meant for and thereby reducing the sharpness. As some great saints once said, the answer for all the questions is there within you, you just have to find it. I feel, our mind is like a database in computer terms with a data volume that cannot be determined by the current memory denominations but the problem lies in the lack of knowledge to write that perfect query to fetch the right records to answer your mind.

A discussion on brain is a vast topic which I have no desire to open here. I felt like sharing this wonderful experience with you and inspire you all to at least try it once in a while with a preferred frequency of once in a week.


  1. nice read bro!
    gadgets always makes us feel handicapped in absence of which. forgetting my mobile at home, had happened multiple times with me. always I've cursed myself on my forgetfulness n somehow made the day pass. but never I've seen the same in a different perspective, flip side! n u r a master in it too..liked it much :-)..keep writing da...

  2. Good read...I've had panic attacks when i realized that i've forgotten my mob at phone serves as my one stop solution for entertainment, information and communication and I end up feeling lost when I don't have it with me..I dont know about the brain but when i dont have the phone with me I do end up looking at the environment and people around :)


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