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The gem of Deccan called Cyberabad!

This train ride in Rajdhani express speaks volumes about the state of Hyderabad outskirts. I had been to many cities via train but never found these many examples of water scarcity and unhygienic sanitation. Every other guy was carrying a plastic bottle filled with water from nearby evaporated water sources which only contained contaminated concentration of water. People where all over the place sitting bare from waist and attending to their natures call. I could notice that very many lakes and canals which should have boasted of clear, fresh water at its prime now contains full of plastic and thermo-col dumps. The water doesn't remain good for any use. Still people with few choices ahead, rush to these and carry what all they could get for their needs.

Don't know about the health conditions at these area but I am sure, the citizens of this great country deserves more which if for definite. From the outset, I have a feeling this place looks to be concentrating only on the wealth that cities could bring but not the depth that villages could add to a powerful state. Train was late and had to board a taxi to DK's place who had planned to drop me at work on first day.

Started with a quick breakfast from DK's home prepared by NT.  A local delicacy with vermicelli and vegetables. I was quite amazed to see the speed at it which it was prepared by her. After having the breakfast, we three headed for work to our offices dropped by DK. Mine was to come first. DK was insisting to drop me inside by I prevented him from doing so thinking it could be hardly 5mins walk.

Unfortunately it was rocky terrain and had to walk uphill through man made tarred roads for 10-15mins in that warm morning around 11am. I was drenched in sweat and met my manager in the building reception. My manager took me inside at work and day started by getting fooled on April fools day. Went to the pantry for lunch and noticed that people took hardly 10-15mins for lunch unlike one hour plus lunches in Bangalore. Even the tea breaks were far shorter than what I was used to in Bangalore. Met my team and gelled well with them.

Evening DK had come to pick me up while returning from his office. We the went to Over the flames restaurant for a dinner. Tried their super hit pizza and all. I also won a free coupon from foursquare for checkin there which rewarded us with a set of garlic bread. After dinner we found my accommodation in Jaya Bheri and DK also left his Wego back with me for me to commute to work and home. This guesthouse has 3 housekeepers and provides with all required amenities inside this wonderful apartment complex. They had given me a warm welcome and an eventful day 2 awaited me.

The guest house cook had prepared good breakfast for me. Once I was all set for office, I made a move on my new buddy the TVS Wego which in fact belonged to DK's wife.

Office didn't go well as expected due to the fire in the UPS room. Went to Nautanki Gali for a grand lunch party. After lunch we returned to witness the fire. I had returned to room after fire drama and decided to take a stroll. Took myself to a subway restaurant nearby and had my regular pick. Went for some shopping too and bought few cars for my son. Next I was supposed to head to DK's house for a dinner. Thought the eventful day was over after that but guess what, it still had more drama.

I played some PS3 games with DK while his wife prepared dinner for us. As usual I was having a tough time with PS3 controls. After the Andhra styled dinner, I started my journey back to guest house. It started to drizzle after few minutes but I continued my ride.

The drizzle turned to torrent while I was driving in the rocky terrain from his house to my office. There were huge piles of sand flying around and most of them bang of target hitting my eyes. The rain also made it terrible to look at the road. My plan was to get to the main road as fast as possible so that I can ride safer. It took more than usual time to reach main road. The challenge in main road was even much harder. The Wego started to be pushed around by the wind at will. I tried my best to control it but free flowing gush of wind would move me around. I realized that how light this bike was. Adding to my pain came the flying plastic covers which don't know where it was used earlier but now was on my face. This blindfolded me for few seconds and then I would pluck and throw it off. I noticed that the cars behind me was surprised to see my flight with Wego. They couldn't calculate my next move. I had driven in rain for more than a decade on different bikes but this ride in Hyderabad was a story by itself. My next plan was to get to the hitech city road so that the trees could protect me and buildings on both sides could shield me. That was the last lap that I had to cover until I was back home. And turned out to be the most difficult one compared to the other two. This laid out new challenge with flying branches from the same trees which were supposed to protect me. No one could ever imagine which one would break and neither do I. Few branches were already lying on the road and few broke once I had just passed it. Due to the rain I couldn't see few of the branches or even if I see, I couldn't move my Wego. There were quite a few humps which I drove past jumping in air and I know DK is not going to spare me for this behavior with his beloved Wego. After the challenging ride, I reached guest house and retired to bed without much difficulty with a pair of eyes filled with dirt, a pair of shoes filled with water and a body filled with the relaxing energy that a wonderful rain could bring!

Day started early as usual around 5:30 am. As I dozed off unknowingly and dead tired the previous night, waking up early was easier. I went for a morning stroll and moved around in and near the apartment complex. There were lots of fellow walking aspirants. Chit chatted with few of them to learn about the place and surroundings. Nothing interesting came up during the conversations since Mr.Google had shared all these earlier.

Uncharacteristically I was late for work in spite of having an official session. I even left a text message fearing they might be waiting for me to start the session. Once I reached there, it was funny to find that I belonged to that sect that made it before the session started and people kept coming in even while it was 45mins past the session commencement. After lunch in an Italian cafe, we moved to the other office building to continue with work. In these two days, I have seen three office buildings in Hyderabad already. I had a dinner appointment with DK and family but could leave only past 8:30 pm from office. I was late for the appointment which made me take the Wego to DK's house and leave it there while driving his car to restaurant. I wanted to avoid another ride in rain with Wego, what if I don't get lucky as last time?

Chutneys served 6 types of chutney which seemed to be their speciality. After food DK dropped me back to my guest house while Wego was back at her den. Tomorrow morning I would have to enjoy the first ride of auto to work. Hope it brings in a eventful turn to this otherwise boring third day.

Woke early around 5:30am and started the day with good exercise. Took a share auto to work which is a common practice in Hyderabad. Had another shot at peanut chutney with dosas as breakfast. Fourth day at work introduced me to too much auto rickshaw which in turn demanded too much walking as share autos don't stop where we want to board and don't go the route where we wants. Again I was dropped on the front gate of office which made me walk uphill all tired and drenched in sweat around 4pm.

Day passed quite fast as it was filled with interesting training sessions. After training I was introduced to Hyderabad special Irani tea. It was similar to the Singapore tea except the second layer of water on top of evaporated milk substituted with fresh milk instead of water. I was reluctant to have it at first thinking it was the malai chai but the taste and make disproved it to me. I loved the taste and energy it brought. Even though I am not a fan of milk tea and prefers black tea myself, loved this new milk rich sweet tea.

After work DK had come to pick me up for a grand boys day out in one of Hyderabad's good nightspots. Back from wine hunt and some shopping. Even though I spent 5 days and 4 night only in this city, I would miss my house keepers and their cooking. Felt this city deserves more respect for its wonderful planning and awesome vision. A very different scene from where it all started with water scarcity.

This day brought mixed feelings to my mind. I was sad about leaving Cyberabad and happy about meeting my family. Felt the trip had been two short to know about the city and culture here as I never got chance to witness the flavor that this once prosperous nawab ruled city brings to the Indian platter. Next trip I would like to explore this city more and if possible the outskirts too.

After SC a colleague of mine took me for a lunch at subway one of my favorites. We got lucky this time as we got auto right in front of the office and the subway while returning. The other day it was shared auto which we got and it was difficult as I had walk during midday sun uphill to reach office.  The terrain looks rocky and every other place they are breaking mountains to build new buildings for office and settlements. This would surely affect the ecosystem of this city soon but I could imagine how wonderful it would have been during the best days of its life.

Taxi arrived sharp on time in front of the office campus gate and they didn't allow the taxi to come to my office parking. My manager volunteered to drop me in main gate from where it was all down to the driving skills of the taxi driver Naresh to drop me on time. I had a good long conversation with the driver. He said he had come to Hyderabad from a village only three months back with his mom and dad. His brother was also living in Hyderabad. He has come to work here for max one year to make enough money to build a fence for his ancestral land in his village. He was saying he could fetch fifty Lakhs f they were to sell it but preferred to do farming there with his dad and brother. His target was fifty thousand rupees which he said was very difficult to make in the village. He shared the shock he had few days ago when one of the women passenger asked for a lighter or matches while in car. The other shocks which a villager gets once they reach the busy city.

I spoke about my job, Internet etc and taught him that we can even see people far far away at the same second when we talk to him using Internet. He did not speak for a while and later told me he was imagining how is it even possible. He didn't know another city existed in this world other than Hyderabad. He was thinking this was the lone big city and could fetch him quick bucks. He didn't even know we were in India which he said doesn't make any difference to him. It was nice to connect with him and he had learned regular routes pretty fast. He knew very well to write his name in English. He also showed me the visiting card of CI of police which he got when the policeman had boarded his car. While

I could sympathize with him for what he is but at the same time he is worth admiring for his lack of ego even though he owned ancestral property worth 50lakhs which I think would be worth one crore, desire to do hard work by farming, vision and planning to build the fence for his farm in another year, responsibility to not leave parents alone back home but to bring with him even though he knows it would be more than difficult to even survive alone in this fast paced city and above all his simple and humble nature. I reckon none in many other states like Kerala for eg would have such people who are so ignorant about the surroundings but had build their own wonderland. This also proves a point that my colleague SC once told me in Hyderabad that the world is what we create around us and otherwise universe is just neutral. It's we who decide what it is for us!

I was all excited to get home to see the smiling face of my naughty son when I pass him all these toys and articles that I have brought for him from my trip. Back home and back to the world that I have created for me, my universe!


  1. Good. This blog reminds me of my old days in Hyderabad.

  2. good one..especially the story of the driver..commendable how you strike up conversation with strangers..njan aarunnel oru bookum pidichu irunnene until i reached the station..

  3. Excellent travelogue.... loved reading it.:-)

  4. Thanks guys for your comments...
    Sooraj...thanks for the comment...happy that u loved it...
    LoneWolf...when we met, we too were strangers :)
    AN...thanks for your appreciation...


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