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Life - Live it!

The greatest memories that we treasure had always been from our childhood. When we happen to crash onto an old childhood friend most times we get a wave a events in our thoughts which had happened years back. That very night most of us would love to sleep early to dream about those days. Our age at this time is forgotten and doesn't affect. Our mention about past experiences and memories are ubiquitous in all forms of conversations. As great men always said, you should be child when it comes to learning. The key attribute that a child or baby possess is observation skills which we overlook as we get older. We overlook this considering the pattern that is build in our brain based on our observations as a baby, child and adult. We tend to assume as we get older and consider ourselves more wise than the next generation.

I think I had been floating around my topic without actually catching the flag. Let me come to my subject for the day which is impact of TV, Internet & Computers on us. By the way I am not discussing here to throw away all those boxes which you had bought worth big bucks. But I am talking about wise use of it and to make them feel the nature which we once did. There is a connection between every child who was brought up in India few years back and nature. This connection is something that cannot be explained in the few words that I know from schools. This association with nature is what is missing in most of the children today.

Every kid until they reach 8-10years old, you can find them in front of TV once they start perceiving few things. Parents actually are more relaxed due to this habit since they could find time for other house hold chores. If you ask any kid around 2-3yrs old he/she would have a favorite song, favorite actor, favorite cartoon and many more favorites. Do you think this is by chosen from many? No this is chosen from what elders decide them to see. It might be good or bad, it depends on the exposure every kid receives and what their parents want.

This is something we could work on make it better by guiding them to perceive good things and enhance their knowledge on the nature. When I say nature, I am not talking about National Geographic or Discovery channel but to bring them out of their house. You could see that most kids are happy this way. They enjoy being outside their houses or flats. The want to feel more things. This urge to feel more things is not for pleasure but to learn, the obsession to learn. Take it as tip to reduce your utilities bill too. This helps the mental growth of children and the data they collect at such a young age will always be with them.

Now what happens when they grow older around 8-10. This is when kids now get completely exposed to computer and internet. It is really great to know computer and internet at such young age. He/She don't need to spend much time getting it handy in later stages of life. Every parent would love them to be computer wizards. But playing games really making them that? It is good to play computer games as per some studies since it helps you develop you brain, reflex, this, that and many more. It is equally or may be more significant to spend quality time outside with friends playing a game of their choice. Which helps in building the team work into your veins. It is important that kids actually realize the fact that life is all about team work, be it with family, friends or work. It really matters to know how to mingle and be best at that. Again this is where you feel your nature and bond with people. This is where you create memories which you would once cherish.

What will be in your treasured memory container when your childhood is in front of computer playing that x game? Will it be filled with you shooting down 100 bots? It should not be that silly. We should engage in such activities during late evenings or early mornings when you really cannot do anything outside. Whenever you get a chance you should and even promote your children to feel the nature. It really would help them pick up few tricks in life.

Every day is moving so fast that no one realizes how fast we are growing grey. Take the example of yourself or some of your friends. What's their favorite pastime? Most of them would be tweeting that they had pizza, turned left from Big Ben and much more. Some would be busy just idling in front of Facebook refreshing their profile page to find more comments or busy copying from some online sites to paste some philosophical thoughts in Facebook.

All these social networking websites are just great and it helps us to get connected with all those dear and near ones which we once felt we lost them with time. This will again help you bring back your old soothing memories and might help you stalk someone you always wanted. But is it worth sitting in front of it and refreshing whole day? Or say 4-5hrs? You create Save Tiger cause on Facebook and your friends say...Yeah!Save tiger buddy. I support it and 100 others say, this rocks!, but end of the day...are you saving any tiger at least one in your whole life? How you think given a chance you would save a tiger? You can have discussion forums and discuss about real issues and find solutions but when will you act upon it? It is equally important that we adults learn how to effectively use all these technical wonders blessed upon us. When we were kids we all had a hobby and now we think we don't have time to chase it when we can actually do wonders. We feel a hobby is too silly and its more cool to be on Facebook all the time. You can find save nature, save trees and plants in your social networking sites and can find millions of people on it. We could actually save trees and plants if we really decide to come out of our virtual world and do it in real.

We should live to create memories because memories are the only thing that is going to be with you when time comes calling. We need to connect with nature, people and feel them in real.


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