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Showing posts from November, 2010

Do we really need Oxygen to live?

These funny thoughts had been in my mind for some time now. Always thought are we overlooking the fact that we need Oxygen to live? Or is it that we have taken it for granted? This picture is of a tree which used to shower Oxygen in my neighbourhood, now don't ask me who used to breathe from it or how much Oxygen it produced daily. The significant thing here is that it is not there any more and gave way for 3 parking lots for two wheelers as you can see. We all accept the fact that two wheelers can help people to travel fast during rush hours and can beat the traffic jam with ease. But in case we don't have these two wheelers parked in exactly the same place where this tree once stood, it can never be parked? Somebody has to keep riding it always? Are we that short of land? Maybe its insane to post such questions which might look ridiculous for few. But the fact is we really are running shot of land. People ignore the importance of trees in human life. How many of us really obs...

Teens - stay at home or get stabbed?

My title would send chills to few parents considering what new youth is up to what they enjoy doing. In recent weeks there had been couple of incidents in otherwise quiet Singapore with teens stabbing two guys. The first one seems to be a gang war whereas the reasons for second one is still unknown. I would suspect these guys are using kitchen knife's stolen from their mama's kitchen cabinet. What would be the real thrill in piercing someone's body with a knife? There should be something about it that makes people doing it. Singapore is a very good country in terms of protecting their people and securing a good living environment. These two incidents would have definitely made the intelligent minds in this country think about severe punishments so that there is no repeat occurrences. This is normal in any countries case. This keeps happening everywhere and people think of stringent rules and shocking punishments. But should we just go for the root cause of it rather than ju...

You think it's fair to cut the queue?

The word itself is the real cause of the problem. "CorrUPtion" itself comprehends the meaning of growth, a green arrow pointing upwards if you take it in today's world. People get obsessed with growth n money and easiest way UP is getting corrupted. I don't blame the corrupt people of the world. I just pity them whereas I would come back to across a proposition to the system. We should start with cleaning up the word corruption before we get to the root of it. Corruption can be tackled in few different ways which would be only successful when every individual get to take part in it and enact their role to the max. Last day I happened to read an article from a spiritual leader who had given example of youth in some place in India who decided that they will never pay bribes. When they happened to visit a government office in India they were asked to pay bribes to proceed. These young men dared to respond to the seeker that they can come back 20 times for this, they woul...

Is it time for something new?

New here would be completely new or something we overlooked along our way to the riches. This is on the world without oil. It is not just oil but everything related to oil. Crude Oil & Petroleum industry had made lot of people & countries what they are today. The whole world seems to be run by crude oil price including the share market, inflation, deflation & foreign reserves and much much more. Do you think without oil will it all get to a dead-end? I will leave it to you to get to know the chemistry of the hydrocarbons inside the oil but let's discuss on the economics of it. The pricing references of crude oil is based on the place where it is mined from. For e.g. North America, Europe, Africa, Middle-east, Dubai, Oman, Malaysia, Indonesia & some other OPEC countries. Oil always brought power to nations since its use was in various industries in multitudinous forms. Some of its uses are as fuels, lubricants, wax, coke & agriculture. Based on Consumption of Oil...

Thinking generation

Ours is considered as a generation who thinks lot more than our forefathers in most cases. We might have often heard these worlds flying around at normal households nowadays. "Dad, you don't understand. This is generation gap". Is there really such a big generation gap? I don't buy that. There is a gap but it is not because of generation, it is just a matter of thought. We consider sometimes ourselves more intelligent than the so called wise ones with some grey ones on their head. We need a change in thought process and this change can only come once both the parents and todays youth get access to same news, same channels & same people. Even though this is a tough thing to achieve, our social networking sites are doing a good job in doing so. New age parents are friends with their children's friends in social networking and can easily track the mental growth of their loved ones by the nature of their posts. But are they sharing the same news feeds? That is whe...