These funny thoughts had been in my mind for some time now. Always thought are we overlooking the fact that we need Oxygen to live? Or is it that we have taken it for granted? This picture is of a tree which used to shower Oxygen in my neighbourhood, now don't ask me who used to breathe from it or how much Oxygen it produced daily. The significant thing here is that it is not there any more and gave way for 3 parking lots for two wheelers as you can see. We all accept the fact that two wheelers can help people to travel fast during rush hours and can beat the traffic jam with ease. But in case we don't have these two wheelers parked in exactly the same place where this tree once stood, it can never be parked? Somebody has to keep riding it always? Are we that short of land? Maybe its insane to post such questions which might look ridiculous for few. But the fact is we really are running shot of land. People ignore the importance of trees in human life. How many of us really obs...