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India - Its time to change!

It had been long time since I felt like writing something. Today when the whole world is talking about China becoming no.1 in the world by 2020 and U.S. relegated to a mere no.2. People see ourself taking the no.3 slot and waiting to capitalize on others flaws and enter the top 2. But will it be possible? Maybe yes, but how big is that 'yes' and how small is that 'maybe'?

We have lots n lots of things to change before we can reach the goal. If we reach the top of the world economically without clearing off all the bad things we have in our system, we will never stay in top. It can be for one fiscal year and that's it.
Let this blog start a new revolution, a revolution from thought and deed.
We often tend to believe that what others are doing is irrational or wrong in most cases. But we never tend to understand that it is just a perception. We see it in a different way. If everyone thinks the same, there won't be any need to make a black car and a white car. Since everyone will be buying the same color. I guess I am dragging to wrong topics here.

So what are the things that needs to be changed in India? I will draft out few things that I believe needs to be changed in our system and will welcome your comments on the same.

Let's start with what we can do and not what government can do. The whole idea of changing the perception of government is insane and such guys are projected as rebels.

We often overlook the importance of traffic signals. We are very fond of jaywalking in India. We should respect the signals and cross only when it is allowed. Since everything in life is a competition we mistake crossing roads too is part of it. We feel why to wait for few minutes and get late. But never ready to accept the risk that these few minutes holds when we do our jaywalking.

Corruption will play the keyrole in dragging down our chance to grow. Knowingly or unknowingly we all play a huge part in this. We tend to be happy to pay those Rs.50 rather than getting a Rs.150 fine for missing that signal or not wearing a helmet. This is a profit and loss game where ofcourse we are benefitted. This happens in all levels. There are innumerous instances when people in all levels take bribe to move things even though its legal and rational. This all starts with parents bribing their kids to study well or get good grades. We can see in India there is a practice that when kids get good marks, parents buy them gifts. I never used to get that from my dad since there was no such time when I was a brilliant student. :-).
I have often noticed other parents buying mobiles, bikes and other stuff. Maybe its my jealousy that is speaking its mind but this is from where it starts. Kids grow up to become adults and have this feeling that if a person is rewarded for his deeds how miserable it is he tends to do it better and quicker. Since we all are grown up now, why don't we just stop giving bribes. Next time a policeman catches you for overspeed, just tell him "Sir, tell me how much is the fine and I am ok to pay." Never allow him to bargain for the money which he doesn't deserve. If we take off this bribe from our society, India will be 50% better place to live.

Everyone is graded at every level. I saw an interesting study on internet on the failure of different countries to make creative people. Our schooling system is the backbone to this failure. As a kid when we draw a picture our parents encourage us, but how many parents we can see encouraging kids to draw a picture on the eve of their X standard exams. No one will ever dare to do that. Why? This is because not just them but the whole society grades us as children and now as adults based on the marks we score in school and college. But why? Anyone who has passed out of college would understand that these marks doesn't indicate anybody's brilliance. But we grow up to become a father or teacher one day and still gauge another kid by his educational brilliance. We often overlook the fact that our education system is created in such a way that they give the industrialist what they need next year. Every other year a bunch of these kids get into corporates or industries and try to run them. So where is the creativity going? It just becomes another industry advertising and media. Not joking this is what is happening to the world. We don't realize this fact because we all have got used to it. We live to get admission to big colleges, later big companies and then big families for a bride. Even there you can expect stiff competition from people who can be richer or from a degree from Oxford or working in US. I do understand that competition is good and it can bring the best out of you most of the times. My blog would not be able to change the education system but atleast it brings a thought in us indicating we need a change.

We often feel foreign goods are better and more value for money. We don't understand that how good Indian products are and how tall it stands in international markets. We need to understand this and also try to buy Indian products more. This will help Indian economy a lot. This is one advantage China, Japan and Korea has over India. The citizens there use the products made locally which gets the money rolling in their own country and later move big stones from their path to grow further and bigger. We should understand how much it can add to our country's growth and start doing it right away. I don't want to market any products here but make sure you do your study before buying next time. Let's get it rolling on our end and make things happen.

Together we can do a lot, as current generation of youngsters we can change a lot in India. If not India atleast our deeds we can change. To glorify this once glorious country.

Next blog more on India - Its time to change! Part 2


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