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To coerce by intimidation or fear!

Let me start with a simple fact "the only person who can terrify your mind is you"
The whole idea of terrorism starts from mind and ends with bullets. This blog is open to debate and discussions. Nothing is conclusive here all are thoughts and plots of my mind. The whole idea of terrorism seems to be a sadistic approach to me. I will try to get what my mind(terror engine) thinks about it. This whole blog is not related to any country or doesn't include any accusations or revealations...

What is terrorism?

It just means "the use of violence and threats to intimidate or coerce"
Hope you guys remember the ragging that we do in colleges. What does that do? Create terror...not always use of violence but still it is a kind of intimidation. But we still do it. Right? Yeah, I did that because I enjoyed it. Cannot infer but still could propose the fact that every terrorist or so called terror enthusiasts do enjoy the act of terifying people which could be encapsulated into the single dangerous word called - TERRORISM. I don't intend to discuss on any terrorist organizations or countries since the area is so vast that it would eat up half of my google space.

How it works?

As rightly said in Bible, "Humans are prone to get attracted to devil and his thoughts". This very fact explains how it spreads. According to the recent news reports, a big set of manpower comes from poor families which are in need of financials to get going...Money had successfully overtaken the emotions that once ruled Indian minds...The previous sentence maybe bit rude...but I found very hard to deny this particular fact. I suspect poverty in India plays a upper hand when compared to religious beliefs as far as terror recruits are considered. Lets consider Terrorist organizations as an IT company or say any company for that matter...going forward in this blog I will be mentioning company...just got bored of typing T.E.R.R.O.R a lot...These companies portray themself as religious enthusiasts or freedom fighters or that the fresh recruits get a know in life how difficult it is to roam around without a motive a goal an when the right persons get the wrong kind of goal...what happens? Company grows in man power...strength to strength...Most of the employees of these companies seems to be hopeless guys/girls who get a very good motive in life suddenly...this will make them more excited and empower towards their goal in any other person...the only thing in life is to succeed...and success means different to different persons! Imagine the fact that the difference when one person works for a goal and when 100's work for a common goal...which one is stronger and more achievable? You know better than me! Do they actually enjoy killing people or terrifying? Yes, of course...they should be right?(Refer to What is terrorism?)

What can we do seriously?

Since we boast of having quite a lot of people with heavier heads above their neck they should act...the very strange thing that we can see in our country is people think a lot, plan a lot, imagine a lot but END UP DOING NOTHING? I suggest! I suggest only! To go after the root cause of it spreading inside our country rather than going after every know case and end up pointing to other countries or persons...why should we do that? One of the root cause is poverty as we identified earlier but what would be other reasons?

As Mohanlal said in Kirthichakra, we Indians show our patriotism only when we see a cricket match...I would add may be on Aug15 and Jan26 should be something should never be limited to these days...We should give more stress on patriotism from school levels...this is not about adding more text books and making those kids carry more to school...not to show off this and that...this is to add think anyone who has at least once sung Vandemataram from heart will be able to betray his/her nation? to be that traitor that others discard? We are not in short of human beings in our all knows that...what we need is PATRIOTIC HUMAN BEINGS! It is for you to deny or accept...if you think I make sense then raise your voice!!! who knows when it will get heard.

We should never ever blame a community or religious groups inside our country just because we are not good at what we should be good at...there are thousands of good guys there getting feeling dejected because of this...that is not good...we should be able to pick the right ones and punish...PUNISH? ever heard...ha ha...when I was in India I never heard anyone getting punished for something or even a trial goes can easily live your the time you retire your trial would have completed say 5 hearings(1 in every 10years-best case scenario)...why are people caught red handed in such activities never punished? just because they have human rights? so what about those bloody bodies lying human rights for them? Any one of you think catching one guy or a lot will help to eradicate this? to stop all these? In case you believe...I disagree...we should try to act...and don't ask me how? In case of any Database related doubts please do contact me! ha ha..its like there are people to think of all these and do...only thing is as I said..its thinking that matters with us and not doing! I don't want to promote doing with out thinking too..but do think something that could be done! Its their job and they should be doing their best at that...not me...let me get back to the point...

We had been writing essays when we were in school in Hindi exams and English exams regularly on Poverty...and even now no change...we keep seeing the rate going up...why?All these rulers out there in case the had been to school might have wrote the same essays too...but ever acted? NEVER! why? In our country we lack the importance of an Identity card...even though we all know it can be forged easily...why is not implemented to its good? Since the ID card/Electoral card is only used for elections it is also tough for us to find out when we lost and where...ha ha...we should have a unique identifier in India if we talk in database terms...a primary key...we should not wait for a person to get to 18yrs to issue this...This should be issued when a child is born...this should be enforced in such a way that even to join schools, get medical treatments, or whatever basic necessity out there we need this...this will help in certain conditions...I don't think we will be implementing computers to read this and validate...still certain places like immigration from state to state and all this is validated...I know its a weird thought...but since it came to my mind..just put it here...Another thing is anyone getting caught on any kind of terrorist activities should be punished and never allowed to hang around on courtrooms for years to come...there should be some fear imposed on people too...anyone and everyone who are involved knowingly and known to others should also be severely punished...people who get to govt. servants for help on this regard should make sure if they have enough proof to prove something...they also get media help...even though on quite a few occasions media acts stupid too....if you have more ideas on improving our country and its fight against terrorism do comment for this blog...will make it heard...

What we can do jokingly?

The funniest idea from my side is to make terrorism a kind of tourism...create terror rides all around the terror affect strips of India...this needs good marketing skills to...some of my good friends in that advertising media should be able to comment on a better caption for this ...I would..."Stressed? Got bored of life? - Enjoy a complete terror package to ________ country!"

Let this be an adventure trip indicating places as below...

Severe - Severe risk of terrorist attacks
High - High risk of terrorist attacks
Elevated - Significant risk of terrorist attacks
Guarded - General risk of terrorist attacks
Low - Low risk of terrorist attacks.

And I am sure there is no place as no Risk!

This will help people to select based on their adventure appetite...

This way we can make enough monetary benefits that we lose to fight terrorism...ha ha...weird indeed...

When one of the biggest terror attack on India was happening I was quite suprised to see one thing on Internet TV...guys maybe it was a stupid act but....I think that was an act equal to supporting terrorists...In certain TV channels they were showing what military is planning...where all have placed the sub machine which all windows and floors that was pointing at....what was that guys? news? It should be considered act of ignorance in the fight to stay top of other can we allow this? Why is our govt encouraging such coverage? My suggestion would be not to allow any media coverage at all until the situation is under control...I know that people will panic...but considering national security this is more important...who knows whether such coverages actually helped those terrorists to survive for longer time than what they deserved...

I also heard we are in shortage of commandos...ha ha...its like we have reserves in Delhi and they had to get from there to Mumbai in a slowest flight available in India? You should be knowing we have so much tests conducted that we refine and take the least possible number of persons to our military...whereas other countries make it a compulsory to be part of their military reserves for every man/woman....I know we dont need that much soldiers out there to fight for India...because if we were to do that.....will end up saluting more than firing...ha ha...but at least the screening and tests should be minimized and encourage people to get into army...I can see sometimes some ads from our army...are u brave enough kind of stuff...what's the difference? If you are brave enough will the take you? They check more than brave enough...whether are u tall enough? ha ha...maybe I chose it because I am short...but guys think...keep thinking...are we out there for a high jump or something? or to play basketball/volleyball...its bravery and your mind that matters...just kidding...anyways...we should make the selections in such a way that out of 100 at least 60 go should be motivating..we are discouraging our own people...we should not try to show it is tough to get into army...whereas encourage people...

The above blog is written out of case it is of disinterest to any organization or person...or favours any one or anything...please don't bother to read it and spoil your day...Wishing all of you a Merry X'mas and Happy New Year...

Keep blog....GOD getting criticized!


  1. Good one dude.... Yes i agree we need ID cards, but do u think ppl in our country cant fake them? :) he he.... I believe "Greed" is the root cause. people say its corruption... but i call it 'Greed' in each human being of being at top, of making more money or being a well known name(be it a politician,actor, Armyman, police or even a IT guy). Yes ppl think, but dont act. Y cos they don feel the need to act. Each guys day starts and ends with his own, family n friends worries...wat is the cause for this -- There r lot of things that need a thought process and right channels to get them in place. Well its only when people realise that they can reach the heights and earn wat they need by doing the right things, we can say all s going good.
    But i really appreciate ur move with penning this blog. keep it going. Cheers!!!

  2. This comment has been removed by the author.

  3. Let me begin with the suggestion directed at advertising and media professionals. The idea is as insensitive as it is frivolous.

    Second... I do not think joy is the motive behind any of the acts. And money, though might be the incentive in a few cases, is not the major motivator. The few instances of joy on the faces of terrorists were trigged by LSD, Cocaine and some other drugs they consumed before unleashing the attacks. In a sane state of mind, it would have been impossible, as the ones who pulled the strings realised.

    As far as live coverage by the media is concerned, it is sad. Unfortunately, we live in a world where media is one of the super powers. The media kills presidents, sets off bombs, demolish buildings. So, not very easy to keep them away. They should be whipped.

    Running short of time, hence stopping for the time being. Awaiting the next one. God, eh? I will find time for debating on that one for sure! ;)

  4. Thanks guys...keep this blog I just meant to make people think on issues and always know what other guys had to say on such issues...

  5. Hai Arun,

    Your concern about society is a good attitude that most of the Indian's lack. Your suggestion like ID Card is a very good Idea and should be practised in India. Keep posting. God Bless U!!!


  6. Agree to your thoughts.
    But are we doing anything for the good sake?
    We or our family back home are not sure that we'll return home after the shift.
    Thats the situation in our country nowadays.

    I would suggest all to watch the hindi movie "Wednesday". That film gives a message.

    We have suffered a lot and its time now to strike back. Death is ceratin, so why can't it be figthting the terrorists, so that atleast our future generation can live a peaceful life.

    (i know that i too deliver this dialogue sitting infront of the computer..not really doing anything towards the above.....)

  7. pritvi,
    your article on terrorism was good.. it showed the passion of an indian and the thoughts and views of an individual..well i found at many places my thougts and views.. but the fact is to present the thoughts in a way that readers like which is tough and you have done it well..

    what i do feel from ur blog or you can say my view is that Terrorism is not just caused based on poverty or the need for money and lack of goal in life. poverty can make a person criminal or a theif or to an extend even a gunda who kills people for money.. but not a terrorist to kill 100's of innocent people. A person might be poor, and a motive for money cannot make anyone to kill innocent people.. The person who is tagged terrorist will have some inborn feeling in him("not getting the correct word") which a bit nurtured can make him a terrorist. I have heard that terrorist people recruit people even before they start to think about the world, they train the people to inhibit their thoughts into them..and divert their mind to sacrifice their life for their community. In short i feel that poverty plays a very small part on terrorism.

    Anyway dude keep writing so that we can put more comments ... :)

  8. Arun, nice blog ..... As you told, the manner in which a particular community is accused for terrorism activities is not at all a good thing. It is just like dishonoring a large number of ppl, just because of acts of few ppl.

    Keep going the good work prithvi ...


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