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Showing posts from 2015

Who are we?

A subject which we have heard from time eternal, which troubled great intellects, a topic which quizzed the more inquisitive minds. Some say they got the answers through spirituality, some through self-realization, and certain others through some other ways. Often termed as one of the most brilliant of all questions that people strive hard to make themselves question, "who are we?". Is it really worth it? Almost most of the graced ones had been humbled by the realization that they decided to serve the world. If it is really about serving the world and spreading the word, which is the outcome, should we wait for the question to arise? Why not work on the outcome straight away without even worrying about the search? As noticed in certain lives, spirituality becomes a way of life and at times for some a track never to return. Why people refrain from a step back and return to normal lives? The fear of society and acceptance of failure can often stop you. Why we think it is

Life of "i"

The loneliness that comes as the outcome of living away from family, often gives a fair reason to get lost in different regions of Europe. The trip led me to Prague, Vienna and Paris in last three weeks. This in turn made me to do a comparison based on my feelings of each of these places while I was there. This is no indication of the life in there but merely my travel fatigued feelings.  The trip started with Prague which I felt as the most interesting among these three gems of Europe. Prague was full of youth even though it is a very old city. The architecture resembled the dreams that many would have of an European city. The city was filled with life. Prague and Vienna could be covered walking around once you are in city centre. The trams and buses can be used but doesn't seem like really required. I ended up walking all around even though I had already attained a 24hr pass for transport.  The people of Prague seems to be making more merry while preparing for the Christmas with

Zurich - a short weekend in Swiss

A trip to Switzerland took an adverse turn when my colleague said he wants to join and people around has confined in him the admirable beauty of Zurich which was never in my plan. Life had other plans as I dropped my Bern and other Swiss cities for Zurich which turned out to be an eventful trip as all my previous ones had been around the world. Reached Munich Hacker Brucke well on time for the trip. The Deutsche Bahn bus had been longing for my presence on it. The bus ride was short, sweet and just what I would have required anyway with  wifi, snacks vending machine and clean toilets. Many a guys has complained online on bad quality bus rides but Deutsche Bahn seems to be serious about their buses. As advised by my friend in Munich, I went to tourist information after my breakfast and got all the information that we needed. Walked along the ZurichSee and got an accommodation within the city for almost the price the outskirts hotel had promised earlier. As usual in other trips, I was in

Fund the country to growth!

Friendly fierce debates had been the source of thought and improvement for generations together. Current crop of the world seems to be very indulgent in this form of art and contributing to the improvement of the social life but mostly in social media. This led me to think about sharing this thought which had been occurring to me and I am sure many of my friends who are settled in abroad share the same. The idea is radical in its own way but needs to be handled with much care as it needs to be more than just giving the right to vote to the non resident Indians. The thought that came to you just now, is why is it a novel idea? It is the same thought that millions of non resident Indians carry in their hearts. There are subtle differences which I would like to add to the idea of the politics to bring more contributions to India. This could be sidelined as a crazy thought but would suggest to give it a second thought yourselves before doing it. The whole non resident world had been c