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Showing posts from February, 2014

Online War World

World would be in its best documented time with the surge of the online world. Folks across the world has embraced the online world with both hands and shoulders. We have lot more net-i-zens than citizens any country could every need. The World Wide Web has cobbled a fine path for people at all facets of life. Be it Facebook, Google, Wikipedia, Amazon, Microsoft, Apple, Sony, Samsung or vast majority of companies out there which orchestrates the online experience or be it  tablets, mobiles or computers which boasts the best a man can get on earth in order to experience online divinity. We humans are expected to spent millions of dollars in our lifetime for phablets, mobiles and connectivity, just to be online refreshing that Facebook page of ours. It has reached a stage where we don't need to meet a person in real anymore for want of anything. People are ready to substitute real pleasures with online pleasure be it love, warmth, care or sex. We are ready to manage a whole world