Every day is a special day if you apprehend the fact that we have lived to see another day in our life. We seldom worry about this as the saying goes “As long as it runs, let it run”. Now this applies to electronic devices including our daily partner cell phones, trusted time keeper – the wrist watch and similar beings. Are we living the moment? Are we living life to the fullest? Have we really thought what we have to do with this gift of our parents called, life which at times are incidental? As with other things, we might have had hundred different plans which occur to be obsolete when we retrospect. I thought of discussing the feeling of nakedness when we are away from these time keepers and connecting partners. Ease of the most difficult thing when we actually do it would be another point to ponder. As quoted by one of my close friend over email, it is unlike me when I forgot my mobile at home. It is unlike anybody we could find in current world. Whatever happens, most of us ten...