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Showing posts from February, 2012

Happiness @ work - Part 3

6. Community Contribution This explains the contributions made towards the welfare and growth of the society. It is very important to contribute your time for the benefit of the society. Financial contributions are only required if you can afford it and continue to operate your needs after sparing some for others. This key indicator helps us to understand how much time the individual is getting to engage him in such positive activities. When combined with other key indicator scores like psychological well being etc shows whether an individual is erratic in answering the questions. 7. Living Standard Advancement The living standard key indicator talks about the rise or fall in living standards considering the society a person lives his/her life. This could be indication of whether a person(s) are able to enrich their life with necessary & desirable entities, be it materialistic or non-materialistic. This also helps in understanding whether the current remunerations are able to sati

Happiness @ work - Part 2

How to? I have selected different key indicators based on study from various great psychologists around the world along with the ones I considered apt based on my experience and analysis. I am very thankful to them for giving me a chance to know about their research on human life and behavior. The following are the sample key indicators I have identified to measure the happiness in corporate structures: 1. Time Utilization at Job 2. Medical/Hospitalization Record 3. Work Environment Contentment 4. Personal Space Availability 5. Psychological Well Being 6. Community Contribution 7. Living Standard Advancement 8. Goal Setting & Accomplishment 9. Financial Stability Triumph These identified key indicators would contain different questions with a score attached to each question. Each question will contain different weight-age based on a scale of 1-3. The total score will be calculated using the answers for all questions under different key indicators. There would be a threshold identif

Happiness @ work - Part 1

Introduction: As Paul Hawken had put it into perspective recently, “You can print money to bail out a bank, but you can’t print life to bail out a planet, At present, we are stealing the future, selling it in the present, and calling it GDP. We can just as easily have an economy that is based on healing the future instead of stealing it. Whenever we exploit the earth, we exploit people and cause untold suffering. Working for the earth is not a way to get rich, it is a way to be rich” GDP had always been a boasting factor representing the growth for great nations. The whole world is counting on what is spent by their people or what is earned by people during a given fiscal period. The data accounts to the computation of the greatness of a nation which is basically where it stands in the economic winners stand. We as humans are not realizing anymore, the simple fact that subjects that were of utmost priority for our ancestors become our priority too unknowingly. And how often h