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Showing posts from June, 2011

Life - Live it!

The greatest memories that we treasure had always been from our childhood. When we happen to crash onto an old childhood friend most times we get a wave a events in our thoughts which had happened years back. That very night most of us would love to sleep early to dream about those days. Our age at this time is forgotten and doesn't affect. Our mention about past experiences and memories are ubiquitous in all forms of conversations. As great men always said, you should be child when it comes to learning. The key attribute that a child or baby possess is observation skills which we overlook as we get older. We overlook this considering the pattern that is build in our brain based on our observations as a baby, child and adult. We tend to assume as we get older and consider ourselves more wise than the next generation. I think I had been floating around my topic without actually catching the flag. Let me come to my subject for the day which is impact of TV, Internet & Computers ...