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What is success?

Of course, we all agree that the word success definitely means different to many of us. We hardly get time to think in detail in our life about success that we reach the end of course. We have heard that writing a journal, having a plan, sticking to plan and doing many such actions help us get closer to success. But again, something that can’t be done regularly gets useless action either ways and we stray.  I would need you to relax a bit before we go through this topic together. Yes, it means getting your favorite coffee, keeping kids busy, finishing your chores and all those untold busy things that you are needed for, and finally arrive at a time where you can read this. I know that is where I lose most of the people who want to read it as that time never comes. But unlike other topics, this one need us to be truthful to ourselves. Let’s start with an exercise of writing down what success means to us. Top 3 things you want in your life or you to be associated with each decade of your
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