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Showing posts from October, 2012

Walking to Power

With the whole world moving to find alternate energy solutions with highly increasing operating cost and availability of energy from known sources, we are really looking for a darker world in coming decades. There are in-numerous mode that we can think of. From our school days we keep hearing about solar energy, wind energy, hydro projects, this energy and that very projects. We even witnessed that states could go on war over water. The days are not far when people would kill each other demanding more air and use  man made technologies to get wind flowing their way. Maybe this state-wide bandh in Karnataka made me think more about water, power and people as there is nothing much you can enjoy on a bandh day here in Bangalore. I have noticed that some of the states in India needs water from other states whereas the other states cannot afford to share as they believe they themselves don't have enough. As we all know water is a source of power in some places and it is no different